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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best fighting series, CAST YOUR VOTES

Smash - its the only one (that I've played) that's actually different to all the others

Tekken, Soul Calibur, Mortal Combat all seem the same to me

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I don't play very many fighting games, I'm not a very big fan of them. My friends have tried to get me to play some tekken, and some street fighter ones, but meh. I've only enjoyed 2.........Smash Brothers, and Power Stone.

Edit: I forgot one.......Bloody Roar (something like that anyhow)

Oh yeah, I enjoyed the Bloody Roar series on PS, but it cant rival the Tekken or Soul series.

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dead or alive




Street Fighter, its the only game I would consider preording the collectors edition $80 and the $150 arcade stick to go with it.

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Virtua Fighter.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

Used to be Marvel vs Capcom 2. Now it's Smash all the way!! :)

tekken and marvel vs. capcom

1. Smash
2. Tekken
3. Killer Instinct
4. Dead or Alive
5. Street Fighter
6. Clay Fighter
7. Soul Calibur
8. Mortal Kombat (I basically rented the games did all Fatalities and I was done with them)

The others I haven't played.

Signature goes here!

Street fighter is the best fighting game of all time and all its spin offs.