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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best fighting series, CAST YOUR VOTES


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The best fighting game ever is the Soul Calibur for Dreamcast. The Second best was Tekken 3 on ps1, and the fighting game which made me a fan of those games is Virtua Fighter 1 on PC. 1996 was a very special year for me. I got a brand new Pentium PC (bye bye 486!), I got the allmighty QUAKE! And I got Need for Speed 1 (the best Car racing game ever for its time!), Besides SCORCHER (the best non-car racing game ever! The graphics are still nice!) and finally Virtua Fighter PC; I always disliked 2D fighting games, they all seemed fake and shallow to me. Virtua Fighter was a REALISTIC and NATURAL 3D game on the other hand, just like QUAKE, NFS AND SCORCHER. 1996 was the year of 3D.

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Virtua Fighter all the way. VF4E may be may favorite game of all time let alone my favorite fighting game.

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it used to be SoulCalibur, but SoulCalibur IV was a disspointment for me..

so i think Super Smash and then DragonBall Z

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Not sure if I can only pick one because I really like DBZ, Smash Bros and Tekken, but I guess I'll go with Tekken.

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Smash Bros.

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

SSB without a doubt. Tekken is pretty fun also.

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!


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