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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you guys think is the most popular review website?

i think it either beetween IGN or Gamespot.

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I think IGN. It seems the most unbiased

In terms of popularity? IGN. In terms of credibility? None.

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Easy: Try Alexa

The results:

1. Gamespot
2. IGN
3. Gametrailers


My Gaming Setup

The Think the biggest are Gamespot, IGN and Gametrailers. IGN has an iphone app too so it may draw bigger crowds.

I check Gamespot more often because it has a bigger community (I go by user reviews more than the professional's)


Around the Network

The Think the biggest are Gamespot, IGN and Gametrailers. IGN has an iphone app too so it may draw bigger crowds.

I check Gamespot more often because it has a bigger community (I go by user reviews more than the professional's)


Infamous said:
In terms of popularity? IGN. In terms of credibility? None.



Gamespot is actually the largest video game related website ahead of even IGN. The difference is minimal, however.

IGN i guess,they're the only ones i ever care to read.



I'm almost 100 percent sure that Gamespot gets more hits than IGN(and IGN are far larger than just videogames).

So, yes, far and away gamespot is the most popular, and the most read.

The most respected by our little clique?


Though, I dislike IGN. I feel their system based review teams lead to fanboyism and cop-outs like with the R2/G2 reviews.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.