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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best lineup in Japan until Q2 09?


definetely....but not for first two Q's of 09

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Well yeah of course, the one game I am waiting to drop is DQ 9, oh how that game will sell. The PS3 just needs software pumped into it which the Japanese community like, WKC is a good beginning but not much else after besides the big one which is FFXIII. Versus is also coming and know that one will sell very well, stick the SE tag and show an awesome CGI of the prince slicing a few enemies = NA sales. (huge generalisation right there -_-)


i forget that jump festa will come soon! what date is it? it may be some new announcements.

but to that who ssaid that ps3 had better than the 360, you need to look that STAR OCEAN 4 is releasing for the 360 that is more important than the ps3 games.

darthdevil: this not include the Q2, only until end of Q1

edit nvm just saw it on the list