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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Midway: Secret game looks 'better' than Gears 2

ssj12 said:
Flow said:
Somebody probably said this already but i didn't went through the whole thread...

UTIII Is beautiful, amazing, better than gears of war, graphically. A blast to play online, with amazing features, and a single player that doesn't come close to being good, but that's not the point of the game. And i see it sold 0.88m on ps3 and 360 combined.

Ok, maybe they make a decent single player, that will atract more players, and advertise it a little more, but i don't see it saving midway


you so realize that the PC version sold over a million right? heck thanks to Steam probably 2 million


Oh, i completelly forgot about the PC version. Oh sorry, i didn't write it, it was, uh... my cat... crawling over the keyboard... yeah *sneaks away


Seriously though, if UTIII performed like they wanted to, they wouldn't be in such situation, i heard it was a flop, if it wasn't, i'm just wrong :P

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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ssj12 said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Flow said:
Somebody probably said this already but i didn't went through the whole thread...

UTIII Is beautiful, amazing, better than gears of war, graphically. A blast to play online, with amazing features, and a single player that doesn't come close to being good, but that's not the point of the game. And i see it sold 0.88m on ps3 and 360 combined.

Ok, maybe they make a decent single player, that will atract more players, and advertise it a little more, but i don't see it saving midway


you so realize that the PC version sold over a million right? heck thanks to Steam probably 2 million

Yep it sold so well they got themselves out of making PC games.


I hope you realize thats a straight up lie right? just because M$ paid Epic not to release Gears 2 on PC does not mean Epic isnt working on the next Unreal Engine for PC, which was confirmed ages ago, and that the next UT wont be on PC since UT is their engine's posterboy.


Um, so wheres the 'proof' that UT3 sold 1-2 million between steam and retail pc sales?

Wheres the 'proof' that M$ 'paid' them not to release on PC?

And wheres the 'proof' that UT is going to be the development game for the UT engine?



Faxanadu said:
pics or it didnt happen

Pics or it shouldn't happen.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I'll believe it when I see it.

And I don't say that because I think nothing can look better than Gears 2, I saw that because Midway is like crap piled on top of crap stuffed in a trash bag full of afterbirth.

mrstickball said:
reask said:
mrstickball said:

Corrected for truth.


I dont get you what do you mean?


Re-read the OP post, and then mine.



Ok gotcha.





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Midway can't even make a DECENT looking game! Let alone something that looks anywhere close to Gears 2!


Keep walking on your way to going bankrupt Midway.

Hopefully its a new NBA Jam ;)

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

considering many games already look better than GEOW 2 why is this isn't anything amazing or "breaking news" like.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
considering many games already look better than GEOW 2 why is this isn't anything amazing or "breaking news" like.

I would like to know what. On the market right now it's King, only second to Crysis. KZ2 looks up there, as does Heavy Rain and Alan Wake but these titles are not out yet. So currently it's a major feat.