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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2: C'mon my fellow europeans!

So R2 is now available in europe, I need friends to play in coop and competitive mode (the others are stuck with call of duty, ...). If you need someone, add me, my psnid is: studentguy

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I'm up for a few games tremble, the resistance league is to late for me at 2am. Add me psn dawve30.


I dunno whether to buy it or not. :S

I keep on hearing very mixed things about it. I'm mainly interested in the single player, and plenty of people have claimed it's weaker than the origional's (which was only average to start with).

Just as I predicted

COD5 killed Resistance 2

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

GeytR2 fuu its better trust

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its the best shooter overall this holiday season

^ man stop lying to your self


Its a great game. Plenty of action and you really get the feeling you are pinned down and overwhelmed at times. If I have any complaints its a bit too linear (most shooters are) and the single player campaign feels a bit short, but you can go back and do it on harder difficulty levels. But the multiplayer is off the hook!!!

  Tifa got MOVES!

ive just finished the r2 campaign and im impressed. Difficilty level varies quite a bite but very good overall- now onto co op and multiplayer !
add me headshot91

I'll be playing R2 online tonight!