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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do people have such short attention spans?

not only do people have short attention spans, they also have no follow through besides reading the title. The predictions some people make all makes sense now.......


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RPG said:

Simple question, I have come on this site for a very long time as a guest and for the first half of the year it was Sony fanboys saying PS3 sales would catch up with 360 ones very soon as it was outselling the console worldwide. Now after a 360 price cut it is the other way round, people saying the PS3 is dead now, nothing can help it, a price cut next year will be too late etc etc etc.

Why do people not think rationally on this site? Of course many people do but honestly I have seen a lot of people who seem to only factor in the last month and then say x console is doomed. Another example is the amount of PS3 is doomed in Japn threads I have seen, thats right the PS3 is now apparently doomed because the 360 outsold the PS3 for a whole 10 weeks, completely ignoring the last 70+ weeks PS3 outsold it.


/rant --_+

The PS3 is doomed in Japan because it is tracking below the Game Cube, not because the 360 (very) rarely outsells it.


Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

Because alot of the fanboys on this site are rather young and to them 1 month or 2 months is a lifetime.

It's because... wait... What was the question?

RPG said:
Indeed I do Incandescence, you must less your panties when you see some great yaoi action right?


¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

Around the Network
RPG said:

Simple question, I have come on this site for a very long time as a guest and for the first half of the year it was Sony fanboys saying PS3 sales would catch up with 360 ones very soon as it was outselling the console worldwide. Now after a 360 price cut it is the other way round, people saying the PS3 is dead now, nothing can help it, a price cut next year will be too late etc etc etc.

Why do people not think rationally on this site? Of course many people do but honestly I have seen a lot of people who seem to only factor in the last month and then say x console is doomed. Another example is the amount of PS3 is doomed in Japn threads I have seen, thats right the PS3 is now apparently doomed because the 360 outsold the PS3 for a whole 10 weeks, completely ignoring the last 70+ weeks PS3 outsold it.


/rant --_+


Honestly, the reason that there seems to be so few people producing rational arguments is that rational arguments tend to kill threads whereas odd-fanboy logic leads to epic threads ...

Now, why the PS3 seems to be taking a bigger beating in the "System A is Doomed!" threads lately is because there is no rational arguments left for a major long term boost in PS3 sales in the near future.

Situations change. When they do, predictions must change with them. This has nothing to do with attention span.

Certainly the average attention span seems to be shrinking, and certainly this is a problem, but it's not really related to the vicissitudes of the console wars.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

HappySqurriel said:
RPG said:

Simple question, I have come on this site for a very long time as a guest and for the first half of the year it was Sony fanboys saying PS3 sales would catch up with 360 ones very soon as it was outselling the console worldwide. Now after a 360 price cut it is the other way round, people saying the PS3 is dead now, nothing can help it, a price cut next year will be too late etc etc etc.

Why do people not think rationally on this site? Of course many people do but honestly I have seen a lot of people who seem to only factor in the last month and then say x console is doomed. Another example is the amount of PS3 is doomed in Japn threads I have seen, thats right the PS3 is now apparently doomed because the 360 outsold the PS3 for a whole 10 weeks, completely ignoring the last 70+ weeks PS3 outsold it.


/rant --_+


Honestly, the reason that there seems to be so few people producing rational arguments is that rational arguments tend to kill threads whereas odd-fanboy logic leads to epic threads ...

Now, why the PS3 seems to be taking a bigger beating in the "System A is Doomed!" threads lately is because there is no rational arguments left for a major long term boost in PS3 sales in the near future.

That's so true. Everytime I see/post a rational post in a thread, nobody replies to it. They always reply to the douche after that posted "PS3 will finish last because it's trash" or "everybody agree that Wii doesn't have 3rd party support".

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Well what else are people going to post about? Of course when a situation changes people will want to discuss what it means - it's a sales site. And yes, there's always the over dramatic but as HappySquirrel says, they are the ones that drive the discussions not the voices of reason (they are boring. I've posted many a remark that's been ignore by these no attention span fools. Including this one.


yeah Id love an omelet right about now