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Forums - Sales Discussion - Biggest 360 Week Ever? Tales from Black Friday

man that video of them fighting over the guitar hero bundle was insane..makes me happy i didn't try to get a 360 today I probably woulda been s.o.l. Here's hoping they have another round of sales around the 360 so I can finally make a claim to all 3. I'm glad to hear its doing well I only wish the arcade version came with a harddrive, that was the main reason I hold back from buying it and almost nearly went out to get the circuit city bundle with the free 20gb or the target pro w/gc. If they had given a older game with it I woulda been sold. I think if ms would include some of the older games they could push as many xboxes as they could produce.

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - author unknown

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Well we got out late, but didnt have anything really that we needed/wanted to get. First stopped at Walmart in Orland Park, IL. All the 360 bundles were gone. Then stopped in Target and all of the 360s were gone as well. Next stop Best Buy and they were moving briskly, but Best Buy has so many they havent sold out yet. Finally we stopped at Toys R Us and they have 360's left, but dont think they had any deals today.

Also amazed that none of the stores were close to selling out of Wii's.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

This is crazy!! I knew the 360 was hotting up but .. yes it will defo exceed 600k


I saw a shoving match earlier this morning over a 360. I was trying to get one for my sister and I just gave up. They sold out of all of the 360's not just bundles.

Now I am hoping they will offer another batch of deals before christmas time hits.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




It was a massive day for the 360. While I was shopping I saw only 360's and Wii's selling. This could be the week that 360>Wii in NA, but I think Wii will edge it out. Sony didn't even come out to play today!

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
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I have a very good feeling about the 360 for the rest of the year. I hit my walmart and target this morning, and tomy suprise they were both sold out of 360's, and both still had PS3 and Wii in stock. Now I know this is just one town, but the trend in my town for about the last 2 years has been jam packed with 360's and PS3's, and a sign saying when the next shipment of Wii's is expected.

It will be very interesting to see what happens this week and the rest of the year. We could very well see the 360 putting up some very decent competition against the Wii.

Just to get it out there. I am going to say right now, Wii will not reach 50% marketshare this year or any time in the future.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


these threards make me a sad Ps3 owner :(,
360 will be huge this holiday season, and the gap will only get bigger,
but honestly they deserve it, the ps3's price is just tooooo much



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

Games to Finish: Silent hill Homecoming (PS3), Valkyria Chronicles (PS3), Oblivion (PS3)

this is good news, so what is prediction for next week NA number ?

So I did some shopping this morning at all the stores that sell consoles.  Only consoles left of all 3 anywhere were:


Kmart : xbox elites

Gamestop: ps3 and wii

sears: ps3 and xbox elites



So it seems like price was a selling point this year as the only systems left for sale were ps3's and elites though they will be gone by the end of the day.  Gamestop only had Wii's because they were limiting household sales and holding units to be sold every hour.  It is going to be a strong week for all 3 but the Wii and 360 are obviously going to take some huge slices of cake with their larger/better marketing/promotions and far better price points.