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Forums - General Discussion - Fact of the Decade

Did you know that, on average, every human being have one testicle?


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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Well, if we consider that probably there are a pretty much equal of women and men, 99% of men have 2, and 99% of women have zero, then yes, the average number of testicles of mankind is 1.

I'm above average!!!!

By that logic, I must have half a vagina D:

--OkeyDokey-- said:

By that logic, I must have half a vagina D:

Isn't that awesome? o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

--OkeyDokey-- said:

By that logic, I must have half a vagina D:

Can I see....oh wait no, just no... haha

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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--OkeyDokey-- said:

By that logic, I must have half a vagina D:


 No, you're definately a complete twat. XD

So that means the average human has one boob and half a penis as well?

What kind of deformed, ugly animals are we?!


Well - like zexen said, nearly 50% of the population doesn't have any testicles.


.............he for got to said "man!"