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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you want in Assassin's Creed 2?

"Being able to see the night at some point would be a nice start. Also not whoring out their producer to promote the game entirely through her looks would also be a nice show of respect to us and indeed to her."

Your post prompted me to look up said producer, and she is cute.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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It needs to be less repetitive. The first one was amazing but it got less fun each time because you're repeating the same tasks.

If its just as good as the first one, and more differences between tasks (less repetitive) it should be amazing

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006

less glitching through the terrain and getting stuck would be a great start.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Less game seriously they should just give up on the game especially if it's the same devs as AC than I don't have much hope for this game. After the first 2-3 hours when I was done wowing at the graphics I was begging for this game to end.

Out of all next gen games I've played I'd have to say AC was the worst, I'm not saying there aren't any games worse out there (NinjaBread Man) but from what I've played AC is at the top of the list. Crackdown beats it in every aspect besides story.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Well I hope if the next AC game is set in the French Revolution, we don't play as Altair again, because that'd make no sense what so ever (i.e him being able to outlive the average life span by a few hundred years).

I wouldn't mind if it was another Altair (same name, similar to how Zelda and Link do it), but if we play the exact same guy, I'm going to be pissed.

Also, I want slightly less repetitive locations and mini missions

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Oh god.....what is it with people and sci-fi >_>
Zelda Sci-Fi now AC Sci-Fi

OT:Id like to see more options available for combate and extras. What kind of extras....I dunno. It just felt like the game was missing them. Oh and Snake better be playable. ;P