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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official Black Friday Thread of Glorious American Capitalist Instinct

Since I totally missed this thread earlier and had started on of my own here my comments from earlier;

So the wife just got back from Black Friday shopping and picked up the 360 Wal-Mart bundle. She got there at 3 in the morning and she was the second family in line. By time they actually started selling them the line was at least 75 people (basically she said the line ran from electronics to groceries which is a pretty good stretch) for all things console or handheld related. The first family got 2 360 bundles and she got the third. The people directly behind her that she could talk to at least 5 more families were getting at least one as well. So yea, could this be the biggest week ever for 360? What say you?

Also that 360 Wal-Mart video posted earlier just reinforces what is going on today.

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That is way I love America we are crazy when it comes to black Friday. Its the best and worst time of the year.

And how the economy is going this days, i expected Black Friday be crazier for the deals...

People here in Finland are depressed because it gets dark around 16.00, and all the lovely snow we got last week it melting already. Luckily we've got booze.

I had a very happy Thanksgiving yesterday, and slept till 11am this morning... there were no Black Friday deals that appealed to me, and there's no way I'm going to risk my life braving angry mobs just to get something that I really don't need for a bit cheaper than what it normally goes for.

Chalk 1 up for the mob though... they got a poor WalMart worker good this morning, and a pregnant lady too!


And since this is a video game sales and news site, here's the obligatory "Shoppers Fight Over The Last Game Console" story, in this case it was a 360...


Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday, and decided to do the smart thing and stay home this morning! LOL

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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Global warming is sure doing his thing

Video of people fighting for 360s
It's insane, a walmart employee has already died from being trampled by customers

One store I went to only had one 360 leave but PS2, PS3, and Wii software was flying off the shelves. I think the Wii sold out.

Another store had PS3's selling like crazy along with DS's, the Wii sold out in the first 10 minutes and there were still 360's left. I picked up Resistance 2 and Fallout 3 myself.

If you aren't playing B3YOND, you're playing behind

Playstation 3: It Only Does Everything

did you here some guy was killed?

"Wal-Mart Worker Killed by Black Friday Mob; Retail Falls"

11ht11 said:
did you here some guy was killed?

"Wal-Mart Worker Killed by Black Friday Mob; Retail Falls"
