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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft Says Xbox 360 Has the Upper Hand on the PS3

Blah blah blah PR blah blah blah PR blah blah. PR.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Around the Network

Sony: "you'll rue the day you crossed me microsoft"
Microsoft" "oh ill play your games you rogue"
Sony: "put that in your straw and suck it"

To be honest the X360 is one of the best selling consoles this genereation.

Smashed said:
Microsoft talks shit about every console, Microsoft will be shitting bricks when the PS3's price is lowered, you watch.

You mean like the end of last year, and all through the first half of this year, just to be upended by MS at the end and steal all that which Sony had gained, back?

Oh and I do not see why so many people live and breathe PS3 price cut.  Nothing has even remotely been confirmed.  All rumors, so I guess we should cross that bridge when we get to it, eh?

Smashed said:
Microsoft talks shit about every console, Microsoft will be shitting bricks when the PS3's price is lowered, you watch.


And Sony don't ?, just don't mention the PS2 "Emotion engine" claims I don't think anything could upstage that rubbish.

With the amount of money MS are making from the software,accessories and the latest chipset size decrease they probably have at least 1 price cut ready.

So it's probably as far as MS are concerned "When you are ready Sony "let's see how low you can go".....