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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 Price Cut is Not Going to Help Sony in Europe

darthdevidem01 said:


I see it getting much better games than the gamecube.....tell me in what year did the gamecube have overall better games than the generation leader? even the xbox for that matter.

the GC was dead 3rd party wise.....with COD WAW sales PS3 is anything but dead.....same with Tomb Raider sales where PS3 beat the 360 version....gamecube smell indeed



You cant really compare 2 games to all the hundreds of 360 games that sold more on 360 than PS3,just putting facts out.

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Garnett said:
darthdevidem01 said:


I see it getting much better games than the gamecube.....tell me in what year did the gamecube have overall better games than the generation leader? even the xbox for that matter.

the GC was dead 3rd party wise.....with COD WAW sales PS3 is anything but dead.....same with Tomb Raider sales where PS3 beat the 360 version....gamecube smell indeed



You cant really compare 2 games to all the hundreds of 360 games that sold more on 360 than PS3,just putting facts out.

There's a reason he wrote Xbox, and not X360.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Skeeuk said:
drpunk said:
Skeeuk said:
Legend11 said:

The PS3 is starting to get that stink of third place smell (like the Gamecube did) that is almost impossible to shake. It's getting to the point where by the time Sony does have a pricecut the gap will likely be over >7 million and people will be talking about 2010 being the "Year of the PS3".


well ps3 has had a great year this year........nobody expected economic situation and major 360 price reductions. but game releases will continue.

imo ps3 had the better releases this 2009 will start with killzone 2 and soom, whats urs begin with? i cant think of anything good out on 360.....apart from a couple of expansion packs possible froza, and ninja blade and star ocean. games on ps3 will be superior in 2009 than on 360

with titles like god of war, heavy rain, and highly possible gt5 to name but a few.

it may be difficult for ps3 to catch 360 in 2009, but that dont mean any less games will be out on ps3.


Those companies are now gonna have to rethink.



they are sony games, the amount of 1st partie titles out next year is huge, they will be released..........for example if 360 is still ahead in 2009 i can still play killzone - god of war - gt5 - infamous - heavy rain - mag - new team ico game - uncharted 2 etc etc

360 having sales lead wont have an effect on 1st party titles and even 3rd party titles.


Being Sony games probably makes it worse. We are all aware of Sony's financial situation. Do you think they will be willing to throw the millions at game development that they have been for the past few years? Especially when it seems that the returns are probably not going to be what they forcasted.

You seem to have somewhat missed the point I was making. The games in development will be finished and you will be playing them. I'm not arguing about that. I'm talking about what comes next. The "etc. etc." that you mention.


This is less a Doomed thread rather a perception thread. The PS3 has lost NA to most and in Japan its not really doing anything. However, Others is where the PS3 has always shine even in bad times, but for the first time, it's getting destroyed by the 360. The question is, no matter what Sony do, the 360 will always be cheaper, can a $50 price drop make a dent?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

The PS3 is not doomed to say the least. Of course the 360 is selling better with the pricecut, but who wouldn't pay half the price(or less) to play 80% of the same games on which (I hate to say it) are usually better on the 360. It really pisses me off to play the same game I have on PS3 on the 360 and see it run better and look sharper.

But hey, PS3 has better exclusives! Like LBP. All I can say is WOW! I'm so excited to play a character called Sackboy. I know it sounds funny but I'm gay and I find it fun. I read a poll stating that the PS3 is the leader amongst the gay community.(Hey just look at Drake! Hes a hunk!) We will not lay down and let the 360 win! PS3 for life!!!!

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Oyvoyvoyv said:
Garnett said:
darthdevidem01 said:


I see it getting much better games than the gamecube.....tell me in what year did the gamecube have overall better games than the generation leader? even the xbox for that matter.

the GC was dead 3rd party wise.....with COD WAW sales PS3 is anything but dead.....same with Tomb Raider sales where PS3 beat the 360 version....gamecube smell indeed



You cant really compare 2 games to all the hundreds of 360 games that sold more on 360 than PS3,just putting facts out.

There's a reason he wrote Xbox, and not X360.


He means the Third place console has better games than the Console selling the most then i agree,but better than second place console i cant agree.


It's really frustrating that posters are completely missing OP's actual point. Instead we gotta see the same old PS3 fanboy's hijacking the thread with their tired talking points.

this tread is full with PS3 and Xbox fanboy comments.....

CGI-Quality said:

^^Err...what. Anyway Garnett, better games on 360 is a matter of opinion, not a fact.

Thats what im saying,all games are based on opinion.


Thats why i said i cant agree :)


So the point of this thread is that if the PS3 had a $100 price drop in Europe it would still be outsold by the 360?


xbots really are losing it.