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The PS3 is not doomed to say the least. Of course the 360 is selling better with the pricecut, but who wouldn't pay half the price(or less) to play 80% of the same games on which (I hate to say it) are usually better on the 360. It really pisses me off to play the same game I have on PS3 on the 360 and see it run better and look sharper.

But hey, PS3 has better exclusives! Like LBP. All I can say is WOW! I'm so excited to play a character called Sackboy. I know it sounds funny but I'm gay and I find it fun. I read a poll stating that the PS3 is the leader amongst the gay community.(Hey just look at Drake! Hes a hunk!) We will not lay down and let the 360 win! PS3 for life!!!!