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Forums - Sales Discussion - Even if 2009 will be the year of the ps3, will it be to late?

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Asmo said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Asmo said:
NJ5 said:
Asmo said:
NJ5 said:

Where and when did Sony say that? ?


They don't say they're profiting off PS3 hardware there. They don't even say they profit from the PS3. That's a profit of the gaming division (including PS2 and PSP).


owing the reduction to better performance of "the PS3 business" and "strong sales of PSP hardware."




I have to agree with the ?

Doing better doesn't mean you're in profit.


So maybe you didn't see the "owing the reduction to"


I don't see how that makes a change.

Losing less money = increasing the reduction of losses

For instance if they shipped less Ps3's that quarter, that would mean less money lost (assuming they lose money pr Ps3).


I lose 500 dollars one year, because I spent 1000 dollars on creating the computers.

I earn 500 dollars next year, because I did the exact same, but no computers.


Bad example, but I think it should give a figure of what I think and (if it is) why it is wrong.


Hm maybe but, didn't they release MGS4 in the quater the article is talking about? I think they sold quite a lot of PS3 back then.

Edit: GTA4 too actually.

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FaRmLaNd said:
Cost reduction and actually making a profit off hardware are two different things. Since the ps2 and psp is also in the division any reduction is ps3 losses should lead to better profits (or atleast significantly less losses) in the short term for obvious reasons.


Problem is that PS2 sales are dropping and PSP software isn't growing.

Hence why I said in the short term :)

Which is unfortunate for sony's gaming division.

I think this is game over for SONY. I think they will be distant third this generation. And I think they deserve it, seem they think they can sell their units by brand name alone and somehow their loyal fans willing to take a arm and limb just to buy a 600 dollar console not including a 10,000 dollar HDTV(True 1080p HDTV plasma TV).

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Honestly, I don't see 2009 any brighter than 2008 for sony

Killzone 2 is too late and too meh. Neither GoW3 brings anything new to the table, the franchise is getting old&boring, especially after Chains of Olympus. And GT5  (if released in 2009) has competition stronger than ever (Forza).

Actually, could it be that YoY sales will be worse in 2009 for PS3?

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@Asmo.... Sony is NOT profiting from the PS3 hardware.... it's debatable whether they are making money from PS3 software never mind hardware.

Remember we can be certain that the PS2 and PSP make profit in both SW and HW.... and yet still they make no money for the PS division.... if PS3 was profitable then surely profit+profit+profit should equal more profit.... yet it doesn't.

Asmo said:

It's never too late, the PS3 outsold the 360 last Christmas and look at the 360 now. Things can always change in a blink of an eye.


Outselling by a small amount wont do much to help the PS3.  Unless something very dramatic happens game over man.

To add the 360 is gaining such a lead in US, Canada and UK the momentum wont be stopped. Far more people will pick up a 360 because a friend has one.  That kind of marketing makes a price reduction a moot point. 

Finally where this generation sites minimizes a system seller game.  GT5 will not make much of an impact releasing when the PS3 has about a 30 million customer user base.  Sure GT5 will sell great, but the vast vast majority of purchasers will be people that picked up a PS3 over the first 3+ years of release.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

TWRoO said:
Sony is NOT profiting from the PS3 hardware.... it's debatable whether they are making money from PS3 software never mind hardware.


With their big-hitters flopping so hard and advertisement being so heavy (still misleading though), I wouldn't be suprised if they are in red with SW, too.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Asmo said:
yushire said:

 Reality says so otherwise, 360 beats PS3 IN OTHERS during before christmas season...

Because of it's lower price, Sony can still drop it's price, MS can't anymore...


Are you sure? I would think Sony and MS are now seeing similar losses pr console sold. As x360 sells more SW, I believe MS still loses less money on X360 than Sony does on Ps3.

They are pretty much equally situated for a price cut right now. Of course, this isn't a very good way to analyse - it would suggest Nintendo dropping Wii's price to 75 dollars!


On the average 360 sale the 360 sells at a profit. The PS3 does not.  Last fiscal quarter results proved that.  When we know the PS2 and the PSP hardware sells at a profit. When we know that the software for PS2, PSP and even PS3 sells at a profit. When we know accessories for PS2, PSP, and PS3 sell for a profit.  If the games division has a loss like Sony's has for the last 2-3 quarters what would be the reason for that loss?

PS3 may drop $100 in 2009 and the 360 will still drop $50 when MS feels it is the correct time.  Remember the PS3 has dropped the same (or more) than the 360 has in a year less time on the market.


Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

Asmo said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

So they ARE making a profit....?

Why don't the cut the price then, for God sakes.

Because the goal when you sell something is to get money from it and not loose? Get it?



The more hardware they sale, the more money they make with software. Worrying about hardware profit, and not software sales, userbase, and brand recognition, is called "short term thinking."

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I don't need your console war.