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Which Sequel was worse than the first, or Visa Versa Which Game was worse than its Sequel?

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Halo was better than its sequel. It was probably because it was new and the sequel didn't have enough to make it different. The main reason I didn't like Halo 2 was because you played as the covernant and didn't stay with the Master Cheif. Just my opinion though.



DMC was better than DMC2.

Devil May Cry 2 was shi compared to Devil May Cry 1.
Also Grandia 1 was great compared to all other Grandias (which is so sad)



Take my love, take my land..

Halo 2 had online MP...Halo 1 didn't unless you used xbox connect 3rd party program. Campaign was close enough but lack of online in halo 1 makes halo 2 as good if not better in my books.

DMC2 sucked, agree there.

How about..MGS2

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Super mario is loads better than super mario 2. but its ok cuz we got super mario 3

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

all Mortal Kombat games after 2
all Sonic games after 3
Quake 4
Devil May Cry 2
all Final Fantasy after 9.. ok 8 was also pretty bad..
Hmmm.. let me think of more..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Finnbar said:
Super mario is loads better than super mario 2. but its ok cuz we got super mario 3

Well put!!!


From what I hear, Call of Duty 2 > Call of Duty 3
I skipped part 3.

KH1 was worse than KH2.