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Forums - General Discussion - Why can't anyone beat the iPhone?

I'm reading the reviews of the Blackberry Storm and it seems like a complete failure. Is it so hard to build a smart phone? It's like companies didn't learn a damn thing from the iPod.

How is it that Apple can just come into a huge market and build something that the other companies seem unable to do? Not just from a design perspective, but marketing as well.

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I have no clue. Then again I'm sure Iphone buyers are mostly Ipod owners which seems to have dominance of its respective market.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Cause they never forget the most important thing...
User friendly technology!
They know that 90% of the market aren't tech-nerds...

Look at their Interface:
the software.. OS X iPhone.. is just incredible.. every other company can make a touch phone or even technically better ones... but only apple can make an operating software on it that is just incredible.. everything is just perfect.. It looks easy but making interface software is so difficult.. theirs is so intuitive & is really were they have an advantage with the iPhone.. i don't even know if it came with a manual.. did the ipod came with an manual? You don't ask yourself: What's this gonna do? They did it with the Imac, Ipod and doing it now with the iphone...

+ great product designs
+ great marketing
= WIN!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

That's what I'm saying. Everybody knows Apple's playbook, yet they still can't seem to do anything about it.

The problem with the Storm is that it tried to take the software of the blackberry, and tried to shove it into the touch-screen hardware, instead of building the software and hardware together, like the iPhone.

BB didn't want to change the BB UI too much (obviously), and in keeping it the same, it doesn't compliment the touch screen interface very much. They should have built a whole new UI around the touch screen, like Apple, and not tried to sell it on the BB name alone, and things would have worked out better.

I mean, the G1 is pretty 'meh' too, but because of how it was developed, it doesn't feel shoe-horned into a incorrect interface. I had some hands on time with the storm, and it's pretty crap. I much prefer the Bold or the Curve.

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Cause they don't have Jonathan Ive
Great industrial Designer... It's really hard to find one guy where you can put your trust into.. Steve Jobs did that and it payed off.. Not many other companies are willing to risk that.. and of course most companies have several products while apple just stick to one and make it as perfect as possible...

And for fun:
Here are some designers.. who used to work at Apple:

Software + hardware = win!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)