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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is it time to except third and just start enjoying the PS3?

No it's not over yet. Even for the 1st place, I know it sounds crazy but if the PS3 would have a price-cut, the sales would HUGE. The PS3 is 2 years on the market and the price is still a bit high and 360 launched 1 year earlier.

If the PS3 would have a price-cut of 100$ it would sell like Wii, believe me.

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nope. for me is time to work hard n save money to own that bloody xbox360 which is in 2nd place! then i can enjoy both consoles :D

I agree... I own all 3 current-gen systems, and I don't really care who else likes them or how many each camp sells really. I pay attention to the numbers out of sheer curiosity alone.

Even if Sony gets buried by the time this console generation runs its course, they will come back swinging next generation.

In the mean time, I'll just play all 3 consoles... because no matter who wins, it doesn't take away from the fun I get out of each of them.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I'll start enjoying my ps3 when it has outsold every previous consoles combined LTD