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Forums - General Discussion - Dont you have work to do

*SOBS* I have the exact same problem. In fact, I made a thread about it yesterday. lol I am not really crying at all I think its kinda funny, but frustrating. This site is great fun, but I can't seem to manage it. Either I waste tons of time, or I don't go on it at all. Should I just quit the site? What do you guys think?

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Not today, I took the day off so I can stay at home and bake pies.

Making a pumpkin pie, sweet potato pecan pie, and an apple pie.

Twesterm- that sounds delicious. Which kind of pie is your favorite? I like apple pie the best :)

I think I will not go on VG Chartz for 2 weeks and not "waste any time" (playing video games as a break/reward for hours of work isn;t wasting time) and see if I am any happier. If I'm not, I doubt VG Chartz is negatively impacting me. See ya later!

It happends to all of us.

Happened to me till Target took over.