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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create 11/17 -- 11/23

shanbcn said:
No wonder SE didn't even bother to release FFXIII on 360 in Japan. Expect similar numbers for SO4 because even after so many JRPGs in recent times on 360, they still barely sell 100k first week and 120-130k LTD one after another. MS must be paying huge amount of money to SE and other companies because they are losing at least 400k-500k sales on PS3.


Loosing 400-500k sales on PS3? How many games actually sold over 500k on PS3 in Japan? MGS4 and that's it. And I doubt we would see these games made at all without MSFT's money, since Camp Sony doesn't care about Japan and their tastes at all.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

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rythm heaven gold just will not freaking die. i don't understand.

shanbcn said:
No wonder SE didn't even bother to release FFXIII on 360 in Japan. Expect similar numbers for SO4 because even after so many JRPGs in recent times on 360, they still barely sell 100k first week and 120-130k LTD one after another. MS must be paying huge amount of money to SE and other companies because they are losing at least 400k-500k sales on PS3.


What makes you think it would sell more on PS3. The highest selling RPG is Valkyria Chronicles @ 150k. Blue Dragon and Vesperia sold more on a much smaller userbase.

400k-500k is ridiculous. There are only 3 PS3 games over 400k atm.

100k is actually really good in Japan nowadays. 1 out of 8 360 owners bought The Last Remnant over there.

The 360 selling 15k is a lot better than you think. Even though it doesn't match the 24k caused by Vesperia, it is still much beter than they would've done without it. The Last Remnant wasn't held so fondly by reviews either.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Thts wht happens when you put an RPG timed exclusive or exclusive in the wrong console no great sales, not great hardware bump, people rather wait for the releasse of the ps3 or not buy none at all, i hope thats make Square-Enix learn and put Star Ocean multiplataform, the bigest RPG buyers are the japannese and with 600+k in hardware the game will sale garbage.

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dolemit3 said:
shanbcn said:
No wonder SE didn't even bother to release FFXIII on 360 in Japan. Expect similar numbers for SO4 because even after so many JRPGs in recent times on 360, they still barely sell 100k first week and 120-130k LTD one after another. MS must be paying huge amount of money to SE and other companies because they are losing at least 400k-500k sales on PS3.


Loosing 400-500k sales on PS3? How many games actually sold over 500k on PS3 in Japan? MGS4 and that's it. And I doubt we would see these games made at all without MSFT's money, since Camp Sony doesn't care about Japan and their tastes at all.



He cares sadly he dosen't have the money that icrosoft had to but things and make other developer make games even knowing that are going to lose money by put it on the 360 knowing is a japannese game, but microsoft pay good anbd they don't care.

Those are rather spectacular sales for The Last Remnant. That is a fairly substantial attach rate for the console, and given its healthier trends to my eye that only makes the 360 a more promising platform. Less then two hundred thousand more units to go reach a million.

Put blue dragon or Tales of Vesperia, and tell would have been selling in Japan by now compared to the 360 maybe would have turn a profit or break even.

Ouch at The Last Remnant, Animal Crossing:CF, Wii and X360 sales. All were well under what I thought they'd be at the week.

Both TLR and AC:CF had pretty bad multipliers for the week (for their relative genres/systems). The only question I would have for both titles would be how Media Create is handling the bundling of the AC Wii Speak, and TLR bundles.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Great sales for The Last Remnant.