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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Castlevania Judgment Thread

12? huh? get 3 accessories per character in castle..wich is 3x14

42 accessories..also I finished arcade..wich gives you 3..1st 2nd and 3d..I think

and got 4th in me ..idk..2 items? so 5th and 4th place..

assuming that..the game should have:

42+5+3=50 accessories

sound reasonable..pretty number..yeah..I assume 50 accessories in the game XDD

I already have ...maybe half

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Grats, they should just dish out accessories for doing versus mode, or online play.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

deathcape said:
12? huh? get 3 accessories per character in castle..wich is 3x14

42 accessories..also I finished arcade..wich gives you 3..1st 2nd and 3d..I think

and got 4th in me ..idk..2 items? so 5th and 4th place..

assuming that..the game should have:

42+5+3=50 accessories

sound reasonable..pretty number..yeah..I assume 50 accessories in the game XDD

I already have ...maybe half


oh really? I only finished Castle Mode with Simon and got like 2 or 3 accessories. When I unlocked Shaona there were other 3 unlocked, and after playing Survival a lot were unlocked. But I thought there were only 12 because in the Accessories screen only appeared 12 spaces

Good to know there are a lot more!

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

There are tabs, head, arms, body I believe.

I hardly unlocked anything, most of my time was spent unlocking the characters.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

indeed..characters came first..then accessories..and yeah @Soma..
there are a few tabs:

'Left Arm'
'Right Arm'


hmm..yup..and you get different items ofcourse..

I agree..yu should get some special ones for

play 20 vs matches
play 100vs matches
play an online match
play 25 online matches

etc..accessories are better than achievements: your characters can WEAR them

one thing they should do next add


so you can also make your own costume from scratch..and add different capes in 'Body'

Around the Network

hmm those tabs are in Customization option I think.

I was referring to Collection (or whatever the name), where you can see the description of every item. There it appeared 12/12, so I thought there were only 12 items =)

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

lol..just like with music and voices in gallery, in collection you only see

"number of item"/"number of total items unlocked" only unclocked 12 XDD

there are way more..not all are fun..some are downright stupid..
but some can look cool

it's why I wish there was a clothing pimp out my death in a tux

on another note..remember, when you select a character you can select the costume:

Default A
Default B
Custom A
Custom B

and when you customize you customize Custom A or B

of course..Custom A without and changes is Default A

same for B

lol, yeah, that's the same I wonder. Good to know there are more things there.

Ohh BTW, have you found more gifs for the signature?

And I suggest to put the last trailer in the first page, would be cool =)

IGN video review is up too, but I don't know how to post it, but I think only IGN Insiders can only download it.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

hmm...not an insider..not gonna pay IGN to bash the Wii and DS...sorry

also..I will put it up momentarily (trailer)

and yes..if only there were more art and music..besides the ones from Judgment:
like original art..and original songs!! and then being able to choose wich one plays: original or remix XDDD

about the luck at all..I've been looking..I've got to check out photobucket then..