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Forums - General Discussion - WSJ: Democracy loses if Prop. 8 is overturned.

TheRealMafoo said:
bardicverse said:

On a related but different topic, I am curious as to how a gay couple would go about raising a child. Would they leave the kid to make their own decision on being straight vs gay, or would they be the inverse of a traditional couple, and make the kid believe being gay is the correct way?


What the hell did your parents do to you? Mine never brought up the subject.

My guess is virtually every gay person does not think it's a choice. So, they will not try and make there child anything. They will just raise it like any other family.



LOL nothing. My parents are actually pretty chill. Im talking about the general consensus of society, where parents are terrified of their kids "going gay". Would gay parents be afraid of their kid "goiing straight"? Seems to be more a social thing, parents try to make their kids be like them and learn from them.

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I think there is a decent case to be made for a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. I'm not sure if it will get overturned but they have at least one reasonable path to accomplishing that.

To Each Man, Responsibility

What can be decided by a simple majority vote (in a state), constitutionally speaking?


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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bardicverse said:

On a related but different topic, I am curious as to how a gay couple would go about raising a child. Would they leave the kid to make their own decision on being straight vs gay, or would they be the inverse of a traditional couple, and make the kid believe being gay is the correct way?


Uhm.. no. Being gay isn't a choice.

bardicverse said:
TheRealMafoo said:
bardicverse said:

On a related but different topic, I am curious as to how a gay couple would go about raising a child. Would they leave the kid to make their own decision on being straight vs gay, or would they be the inverse of a traditional couple, and make the kid believe being gay is the correct way?


What the hell did your parents do to you? Mine never brought up the subject.

My guess is virtually every gay person does not think it's a choice. So, they will not try and make there child anything. They will just raise it like any other family.



LOL nothing. My parents are actually pretty chill. Im talking about the general consensus of society, where parents are terrified of their kids "going gay". Would gay parents be afraid of their kid "goiing straight"? Seems to be more a social thing, parents try to make their kids be like them and learn from them.

I actually think that most parents who are terrified of their kids "going gay" isn't because of moral problems they may or may not have with being gay, but instead the desire for their children not to be hurt.  Most parents want their kid to be what society perceives as normal so that they won't have to go through discrimination or be subject to meaningless hate.  So for gay parents, I can see that they wouldn't have these worries as much because they know that you can get through life being discriminated against because they have.  Most would probably present being gay and being straight as normal, neither being better or worse than the other.



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damkira said:
bardicverse said:

On a related but different topic, I am curious as to how a gay couple would go about raising a child. Would they leave the kid to make their own decision on being straight vs gay, or would they be the inverse of a traditional couple, and make the kid believe being gay is the correct way?


Uhm.. no. Being gay isn't a choice.

For some it is. Not all apply to this, but for some people, they choose to experiment and decide they prefer that way. I have friends of both types. Being gay isnt a hardwired thing for everyone. Don't paint all people of this persuasion with the same brush.


WessleWoggle said:
segajon said:
Marriage is a union between one man and one woman. That's all I have to say.



Kay, lets call it smarriage so you don't have any issues.


or civil union.

I see gay people are attacking segajon, then.


But yeah, it (prop. 8) should pass. The gay community can try to overturn it 4 years from now, but right now, it should pass as it actually won.



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JustinUK said:
segajon said:
Marriage is a union between one man and one woman. That's all I have to say.


Not in Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, South Africa, MA (USA), CT (USA) & very soon Sweden.


So all those places out of the world? Seems most of those places are in europe.





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We must remember that a true democracy protects the rights of minorities from being abused by the "tyranny of the majority".

I love US democracy because we have the power to overturn Gay Marriage :)