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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 will have no install...

Darc Requiem said:
I'm not surprised. PS3 exclusives seem to have no installs for the most part.

LBP, MGS4 and Resistance 2 all did.

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DMeisterJ said:
Darc Requiem said:
I'm not surprised. PS3 exclusives seem to have no installs for the most part.

LBP, MGS4 and Resistance 2 all did.

You sure about that? I don't recall my roommate having to install Resistance 2. I know the first game and R&C didn't have installs. I can check when I get home but honestly, I found R2 disappointing. The single player AI is terrible

That will not affect the game. Metal Gear Solid 4 install was long and annoying. This is good for Killzone 2.


Darc Requiem said:
DMeisterJ said:
Darc Requiem said:
I'm not surprised. PS3 exclusives seem to have no installs for the most part.

LBP, MGS4 and Resistance 2 all did.

You sure about that? I don't recall my roommate having to install Resistance 2. I know the first game and R&C didn't have installs. I can check when I get home but honestly, I found R2 disappointing. The single player AI is terrible

I own R2, it definitely has one.  It's only like 370mb or something like that.  LBPs is only like 400mb IIRC.

And I wholeheartedly agree, Single Player AI in R2 is shit.  But that's a story for another thread.

Yeah you are right, its for another thread. It does explain why my brother told me he liked the single player better in the first game though. I couldn't understand it at first.

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Resistance 1 had an install too, but it was only a couple hundred megabytes compared to other games that have a few gigs.

In fact, I was really surprised when I booted Mirror's Edge, a third party game with not only a small install (a few hundred megs), but it was also installed in a minute?

It can't be true, but alas it is!

Thast good news,


If anyone wants the pistol kills you need to get a magnum let me know. I am having a hard time getting anyone to join my pistol-only server.