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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Lionhead announces Fable 2: Knothole Island (Premium DLC)

Yeah or people who buy an MMO at launch which is gimped, and still pay $15 a month. This expansion is not $20 or $30. It's $10. If its as long as Bringing Down the sky it's well worth it to me as a fan of the game. If you don't want it, don't buy it. That simple

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Bitmap Frogs said:
vlad321 said:

They are just miliking people who are either willing to be milked or just gullible. It's just interesting to see all this DLC phenomena from a PC gamer standpoint. Most of the stuff that's DLC is usually free community creations, and when a developer comes out they make sure I'm getting my $20-$30 worth in full. No i'm not bashing consoles, I'm just trying to explain what my PoV is.


lol dude.

PC devs never release expansions and customers never buy them. Rite?


Yeah but when you compare an expansion pack like LoD for D2 (25 bucks), and DLC like this (10 bucks), you can't help but feel cheated out of you money. I've seen more expansive free community bonus packs for games than what they are offering you for money.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


And you know how much content is in this pack how? They haven't even said how long it is


This is actually easily resolved by proper inventory management. Have no fattening foods, and you will never have a issue with weight gain. Max out your bar early, and you will rarely need to heal. Besides its well worth using the healing potions with the additional experience bonuses to take the time to go into an inventory.

I honestly see no value in this potion when good food is so plentiful, and it costs so little. I do not see the issue with not stopping every couple hours for a minute to eat a few pieces of celery. A weight loss potion would be the least valuable potion in the game right next to potions like the beetle strength potion.


The game development was completed in late September. This content will not arrive till the middle of December. So that means its closer to a three month development cycle. That probably means this is not an instance of exploitation. They delivered the full game, and then developed additional content for the game. Not a situation where a chunk of a complete game was removed, and then sold later.

I think that 800 points is a little too steep considering the content on the table. I would want some more useful items. Even as I mentioned in my post a Balverine potion would give many hours of entertainment enjoyable throughout the rest of the world. Imagine having to conceal your affliction, or getting to rampage a city incognito. What would make it even more entertaining is if you could infect the villagers. That would be well worth ten dollars.

Considering it's so close to launch, I'm very doubtful that it's worth $10. It also does not change the fact that it should have been included in the game to begin with.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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vlad321 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
vlad321 said:

They are just miliking people who are either willing to be milked or just gullible. It's just interesting to see all this DLC phenomena from a PC gamer standpoint. Most of the stuff that's DLC is usually free community creations, and when a developer comes out they make sure I'm getting my $20-$30 worth in full. No i'm not bashing consoles, I'm just trying to explain what my PoV is.


lol dude.

PC devs never release expansions and customers never buy them. Rite?


Yeah but when you compare an expansion pack like LoD for D2 (25 bucks), and DLC like this (10 bucks), you can't help but feel cheated out of you money. I've seen more expansive free community bonus packs for games than what they are offering you for money.


You don't even know how much content is on it, yet.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Vlad do you even own Fable II?

Looks good.




For as many posts as you have I think your doing yourself a disservice not having a game collection listed. That is so useful for other users to get to know you.

I spent a little less than 40 hours on my first "good" hero, so I can't wait!

I wanted to start my evil char (I already tons of gold etc for him and know what hairstyles I want) but I'm a bit too preoccupied with all these other games as of late.. maybe this expansion can get me started again! =D

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