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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What your favorite gaming console?

CGI-Quality said:
Before 11/17/2006: Panasonic Real 3DO, today: PS3!!!!!!!!! Baby!!!!!

I love mine more than you love yours. Thats a fact! Don't deny it because deep down I know you crave the white meat that is the Xbox 360 consoles.



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XBOX 360 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Playstation 3

(owns every nintendo console besides wii)



Gamecube. I can play most of my favorite games on there like Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and SSB Melee (which i'm playing right now :)

i love my Wii, Ds, PS2 and PC equally, but my favorite ever is Snes

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
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360 is the best. :)

Mirson said:
Playstation 3 60GB. It's also a PS2 and PS1. Free online, blu-ray, home, VOD, web browser, HDMI, PSP remote play, etc.


What he said except i have the 80gb, sure its not full B/C but all the PS1 & PS2 i own all work =P

jimbo101 said:

My favorite gaming console is pc

Well I assume since the PC isn't a console then what you meant is platform, so I say the DS.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

PS3, already got R2, MS2, LBP, now waiting for Playstation Home which i hear will be out by christmas, if it is we all have to thank sony for the gift they are giving us cause of course its free.

I love my 360 =]