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Forums - Sony Discussion - why is Motorstorm not selling that great?

this is the problem with PS3, most 1st party/exclusive games are not sold very well

this year examples:

can we imagined >4 exclusive games, with sales not as high as it hope to be,

funny thing all game with rather bad sales are the one that have demos

hope KZ2, will have different fate.

i think sony better stop KZ2, if they confident, just don't put KZ2 demos
just like Halo3 , GeoW2

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It's not selling well because in actuality, Motorstorm isn't *that* great of a game.....Sony just misconceived that it was great and overhyped themselves when the original Motorstorm "sold over 3 million".

Sold over 3 million is in quotes because the majority of that 3 million was from bundles

I'd like to also add that Motorstorm 2 has come pretty quick on the heels of its predecessor. The first one did well, but it wasn't a blockbuster, and the racing genre is far from being underserved on PS3. It's only been two years since the first Motorstorm, and consumers aren't yet in the mood to buy another one.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

SpartanFX said:

let me start this thread by posting some of the pictures taken in game:








I think the demo was pretty awefull compared to how deep the level designs of the full game are.

If you have only played the demo you owe it to your self to atleast rent this game and give it a try.It is so much fun online and offline.


the game is beautiful .the enviroments are varied(from waterfalls to rocky mountaints to jungles to lavas).Also, the time of the day and weather can be changed in every track.

game modes are all fun.

the TV /Website advertising is good for this game and most reviews gave it around 8-8.5(exepct for the useles OPM review that gave it 6 for no good reason)


so i wanna know if you got the first one(which seems alot of people did )why wouldn't you conisder getting this game?why didn't it sell better than what it did?will the sales improve as the time goes by?




I agree.. the game is awesome.. and i didn't used to be into racers much.. and infact i didn't like the first motorstorm a lot. but this game is so mucj better :P

Check out my game about moles ^

^^^^i know man,,,in racer genre i only own this game and burnout paradise ,,,both are insanely fun and similar in some ways,,,I don't know what everyone is talkin about,,,it's like i m playing another game compared to what they are describing.


nah dude,,I didn't pressure my self to like the game,,,generally i hate racers,,,but this game is fun just like burnout,,,,,to tell you the truth i though the first motorstorm was really bad.but this one gives me the same feeling as burnout paradise when i play it.

my racing collection is burnout paradise and motorstorm pacific rift,(I also had pure but that one wasn't fun either so i traded it in)




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I hated the first one, I don't know how this bad game could sell a lot, Pure is so much fun though...