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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would happen in the console war if the PS3 got discontinued?

DMeisterJ said:
Sorry. I can't focus on replying to this argument seriously because the idea is far-fetched to say the least.

This deserves to be in off-topic moreso than gaming since this is mind-numbing speculation.


The primary assumption one makes in this topic is "what if the PS3 was discontinued". The matter of whether or not it is far-fetched is a topic for other discussions.

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xbox would outsell the wii 3-1...

RolStoppable said:
V-r0cK said:
IMO If it happened then i'd find video games less appealing because I love Sony's overall variety of games. Like you can define an Xbox360 as a console full of shooters, and define a Wii as a console for fun parties / kids but Ive yet found what to define the PS3 because its library is more versitile. Again this is just my opinion as how I depic these consoles so i hope nobody will try to argue against ones opinion.

But to have the PS3 discontinued will not likely happen because its Sony's largest blu-ray player also. If Nintendo gamecube survived then the PS3 can easily.

Not this again. Why is this used so often? The Gamecube was profitable, the PS3 is a financial disaster.


Sorry i didnt mean it like that.  Financial wise Gamecube did great no doubt, i was just talkin in perspective of it being 3rd place and sales # and people not as interested as the other consoles.  But knowing how stubborn Sony can be i think they'd rather lose money and keep the battle of the consoles going lol

wow, yet another "What if the PS3..." thread. what do y'all have something against Sony?

Yea the PS3 will be discontinued because someone else on the forum with 1k+ posts said so.


Didn't realize how some people can be so stupid on the internet.

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If the PS3 was no more, I guess the amount of doomed threads i have seen lately would come to an end.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

I am actually very interested in the subject of whether I'm stupid or retarded. However, I fear that I could be banned if I discussed that in this thread, since it's off-topic.

Can someone please create a thread where we can discuss my mental problems? I can't find my keyboard.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

RolStoppable said:
NJ5 said:

I am actually very interested in the subject of whether I'm stupid or retarded. However, I fear that I could be banned if I discussed that in this thread, since it's off-topic.

Can someone please create a thread where we can discuss my mental problems? I can't find my keyboard.

Thanks! Now we can back on topic :)

I wonder if someone has an updated list of third parties' current profitability. The last one I saw was already a few months old.

Otherwise I may try to find the info in their financial reports later.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I seriously doubt Sony will discontinue the PS3, at least if it continues to sell as well as it does.

If they somehow did, I seriously feel sorry for the HD gaming side of the console war because Wii will ruin 360.

I don't think it would screw with HD gaming all that much. If the PS3 were discontinued (highly unlikely IMO), what will happen to Sony's games? There will be people that will take advantage of the old PS brand, as it's still pretty strong. Someone will have to capitalize on the demand... whether its Microsoft or something else.

Either way, the 360 should get a decent boost, and the gen will continue. The Wii "destroying" the 360 shouldn't matter all that much, it won't be that much worse than the current PS360 vs Wii situation.