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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft's Xbox 360 Surges Ahead of the Competition

360....FULL of Awesome.

Wii fan, no need to get all bent out of shape because no one cares to mention the wii... LOL. I think MS and PS3 have already conceded to the Wii being the champ of this gen in sales. So, can we just assume when they say they have won, that they are talking HD consoles? It'll be good for your blood pressure wii fans.

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Good old Bruce

At least he isn't on VGChartz anymore, constantly promoting his site.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Sorry, but no console with that power brick, noise level and (at least initially) a critical design flaw can claim to have an elegant design.

And even if RROD is really a thing of the past the power brick alone kills the 360 as a triumph of design.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

I knew it the 360 is kicking everybodys butt even the wii...Damn vgcharts for undertracking the 360 :)

Reasonable said:
Sorry, but no console with that power brick, noise level and (at least initially) a critical design flaw can claim to have an elegant design.

And even if RROD is really a thing of the past the power brick alone kills the 360 as a triumph of design.


 Design flaw? You can install the games you want to play on the 360 hdd and therefore the DVD drive will not move therefore it will not generate heat. If you have a Falcon you`ll be fine,plus the 3 year warranty does the job.

Wait until the Jasper model (65 nm GPU) this or the next month if you want to be sure. That should kill your warries.

Taking care of the heat,moving on to the noise. Benq drives in Falcons and Liteon in Falcons/Jaspers are much better,and if you want no noise at all,install your games on the hdd. No heat and noise? Exactly.

Power brick? Ooops... LoL.

Around the Network

Lovely Analysis, dude just forgot about one small white box that is kicking 360's ass.

Lolcislaw said:
Lovely Analysis, dude just forgot about one small white box that is kicking 360's ass.

Please see the initial post of page 2.  Thanks =D

Yea the Dreamcast sold like one thousand billion consoles ever, too.

nightsurge said:
KLucifer said:
did u hear that lowest price point cuz of the elegant design?? all i need is some cable....hard drive...wireless internet connection..WTF...this costs more than the wii...costs the same as ps3...omg i've been ripped off...

WAT online fees???...OMG that's another controller....HSDIOFHOHFOWEHFL:SDHFLKJh

What?!  You don't "need" a hard drive to enjoy most games?  WHAT!? Barely anyone uses wireless internet for a stationary gaming console and wired suits more people with PS3's than Wireless does?!  What?!  PS3's don't come with HD cables out of the box, and the 360 supports 1080p out of the box with the HD component cables!?!?  What, if I want a hard drive, I can get one for $20!?!?!  What!?  This costs less than the Wii and half that of the PS3!!!!  OMG the PS3 is a rip off!!!


What?!  I pay a measely $40 a year for a great service rather than get a free, but very laggy and unreliable PSN?!?!?!!  I don't "have" to buy an HDMI cable to enjoy HD on the 360!?!?  Wow, that saves me enough for another controller!!


I mean seriously, if you're gonna subdue your urge of rampant fanboyism, at least try to spell correctly.  I mean give me a CHSLKHTOWKDJTSOKJ!!!!!!!!


          XD.....KLucifer owned after post #1.....confirmed!


Stan85 said:
Reasonable said:
Sorry, but no console with that power brick, noise level and (at least initially) a critical design flaw can claim to have an elegant design.

And even if RROD is really a thing of the past the power brick alone kills the 360 as a triumph of design.


 Design flaw? You can install the games you want to play on the 360 hdd and therefore the DVD drive will not move therefore it will not generate heat. If you have a Falcon you`ll be fine,plus the 3 year warranty does the job.

Wait until the Jasper model (65 nm GPU) this or the next month if you want to be sure. That should kill your warries.

Taking care of the heat,moving on to the noise. Benq drives in Falcons and Liteon in Falcons/Jaspers are much better,and if you want no noise at all,install your games on the hdd. No heat and noise? Exactly.

Power brick? Ooops... LoL.

Yeah, but again they designed it with a crappy propritary HDD rather than go open.  Also, the fact you need the 3 year warrany kind of just confirms my point that something that in the beginning had critical design flaws cannot ever, by any stretch, be considered to be a well designed electronic device.

Now the 360 SDK is well designed, Live is well designed, the controller is well designed (for shooting more than other genres though IMHO).  But the console itself?  Nope.

Also, not that I care, but isn't it ironic that after years of bashing PS3 installs 360 owners are now estatic they can install to reduce noise and disk scratching?

The simple fact is both the Wii and the PS3 consoles are just much better designed, more reliable electronic devices.  Doesn't mean they have better games etc. but just as electronic devices in and of themselves they are better designed.




Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...