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nightsurge said:
KLucifer said:
did u hear that lowest price point cuz of the elegant design?? all i need is some cable....hard drive...wireless internet connection..WTF...this costs more than the wii...costs the same as ps3...omg i've been ripped off...

WAT online fees???...OMG that's another controller....HSDIOFHOHFOWEHFL:SDHFLKJh

What?!  You don't "need" a hard drive to enjoy most games?  WHAT!? Barely anyone uses wireless internet for a stationary gaming console and wired suits more people with PS3's than Wireless does?!  What?!  PS3's don't come with HD cables out of the box, and the 360 supports 1080p out of the box with the HD component cables!?!?  What, if I want a hard drive, I can get one for $20!?!?!  What!?  This costs less than the Wii and half that of the PS3!!!!  OMG the PS3 is a rip off!!!


What?!  I pay a measely $40 a year for a great service rather than get a free, but very laggy and unreliable PSN?!?!?!!  I don't "have" to buy an HDMI cable to enjoy HD on the 360!?!?  Wow, that saves me enough for another controller!!


I mean seriously, if you're gonna subdue your urge of rampant fanboyism, at least try to spell correctly.  I mean give me a CHSLKHTOWKDJTSOKJ!!!!!!!!


          XD.....KLucifer owned after post #1.....confirmed!