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Forums - Gaming Discussion - According to some info on GT

On GT geoff said ps3 has the better lineup of games this holiday (im about to watch it)  Post your opinion even though i hate geoff and patcher i agreed abit with him. The reason why i hate patcher he said their only about 1 million  active accounts on psn how ever their seems to be 14 million active accounts according to alot of websites but i wont get into it.

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14M on an install base of 17M sounds high to me.
It also could mean that people have logged in, started their account for whatever reason (one DLC, a firmware update for BR, etc.) and don't use it regularly.
The 1M could be active, regular game-players.

Still, there are reasons enough to question Patcher.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


I think he's right, 2008 was a better year for the PS3 than the 360. The 360 only had Gears2 which is pretty awsome but the versus is not that great.

My favorite games for this gen:

1. Gears of War    2. MGS4    3. Killzone 2   4. Halo 3(Underated by many)      5. Mass Effect

To paraphrase Geoff in the bonus round today: "I mean the Wii is the only platform shipping with wi-fi in each console."

Sometimes I wonder if the GT staff members really do any research before they post videos.


mike_intellivision said:
14M on an install base of 17M sounds high to me.
It also could mean that people have logged in, started their account for whatever reason (one DLC, a firmware update for BR, etc.) and don't use it regularly.
The 1M could be active, regular game-players.

Still, there are reasons enough to question Patcher.

Mike from Morgantown


14 million was stated by Sony.

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Dallinor said:
To paraphrase Geoff in the bonus round today: "I mean the Wii is the only platform shipping with wi-fi in each console."

Sometimes I wonder if the GT staff members really do any research before they post videos.

May I?

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Relatively speaking you would think if that were in fact the case that the headliners should perform well compared to the 360s headliners. Clearly that isn't even close to happening with Fable 2 versus LBP and R2 versus Gears 2. A few analysts have argued that point for awhile now that Sony has had the stronger lineup for the holidays yet it doesn’t seem to be boding well in pushing HW with the lineup.

On the 14 million they include PSP accounts so no big news there as the 14 million stated by Microsoft is nears 2 months old now as it happened in the last quarter per there earnings report.

Those 14 million PSN accounts include accounts created by PSP owners. Actually, you can create a PSN account via without owning either a PSP or ps3. They're actually forcing you to do this right now, as the they're getting rid of the PlayStation Underground, so within the next few days the forums will only be open to PSN members. If you don't link your PSU account to a PSN ID, your info will be lost.

That 14 million figure obviously contains many gamers multiple accounts. (I have two accounts myself.)

Pachter seemed way off though with his "tiny" estimate of the PSN userbase. (He was guessing under a million.) Wasn't there recent figures of over 273 million pieces of content downloaded through PSN?

How could less then a million users download so much content? I'm a very active PSN user but I've probably only downloaded about 30-40 pieces of content.

I think we can safely say actual users are not as high as 14 million, but certainly nowhere near as low as less than 1 million.


makingmusic476 said:
Those 14 million PSN accounts include accounts created by PSP owners. Actually, you can create a PSN account via without owning either a PSP or ps3. They're actually forcing you to do this right now, as the they're getting rid of the PlayStation Underground, so within the next few days the forums will only be open to PSN members. If you don't link your PSU account to a PSN ID, your info will be lost.


and this is a bad thing? honestly who other than Sony fans or owners use Sony's PlayStation site? not that many. And they just recently linked the PSP to the PSN. PSP and PS3 users are using their existing logins.

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