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Forums - Sony Discussion - 300 on blu-ray

so i watched 300 on blu-ray it fucking kick ass probaly the best HD expiernce ever i recommend it


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Naaaaaa. I want my Blu-ray's crystal clear. I didn't completely go for the gritty look they were doing. Still great though.

No, you wanta kick ass movie, Kingdom of Heaven or V for Vendeta is where its at.

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300 and Kingdom of Heaven rock on Blu-Ray. Other favorites of mine:

Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3
Harry Potter 1-5
Batman Begins
Underworld 1/2

Can't wait for the Lord of the Rings! :D

I want to see Transformers on Bluray. And also Iron Man...

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Agree'd with TC...300 is the best experience in hidef hands down :)

Watchmen will be next :)

Aj_habfan said:

Naaaaaa. I want my Blu-ray's crystal clear. I didn't completely go for the gritty look they were doing. Still great though.


That's called film grain and often it is not digitally removable.  Blu-ray's can only be as crystal clear as the original source and since 90% of movies use actual cellenoid film you're going to get some sort of film grain. The only movies I've seen that have almost no film grain are CG fests like Transformers, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Spiderman 3, all of these use digitally enhanced imaging which requires that scenes be shot with the highest grade film and film grain is taken out when they insert CG images.  CG images won't have any film grain since they are computer generated and not shot directly on the film; they have to take all film grain out in order for the CG to blend into the actual shot. This means that the master film has all the grain removed when it goes to the theater. Since DVD's and blu-rays are ported to the respective format from the master you can imagine how hard it must be to completely remove film grain from the masters. If it isn't done in pre-production it likely isn't ever going to get done.

V for vandetta! is my pick.

Zodiac for me is the best looking movie that's not animated on Bluray.

The Dark Knight if it plays it's cards right has the opportunity to surpass it.

I TOTALLY disagree with the comment about wanting HD crystal clear.  Movies shot on film will always have grain. The only way to remove that is with post-processing effects such as DNR and it will totally ruin the look of the movie.  There are numerous examples of films (a lot from Fox & New Line) that have this process applied to them.  Makes the movie look horrible.  300 was a special case in that they intentionally added grain for the "look" of the film. Cases such as this I can see why you would not like it but on movies that offer natural grain leave it alone I say.

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rasone77 said:
Aj_habfan said:

Naaaaaa. I want my Blu-ray's crystal clear. I didn't completely go for the gritty look they were doing. Still great though.


That's called film grain and often it is not digitally removable.  Blu-ray's can only be as crystal clear as the original source and since 90% of movies use actual cellenoid film you're going to get some sort of film grain. The only movies I've seen that have almost no film grain are CG fests like Transformers, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Spiderman 3, all of these use digitally enhanced imaging which requires that scenes be shot with the highest grade film and film grain is taken out when they insert CG images.  CG images won't have any film grain since they are computer generated and not shot directly on the film; they have to take all film grain out in order for the CG to blend into the actual shot. This means that the master film has all the grain removed when it goes to the theater. Since DVD's and blu-rays are ported to the respective format from the master you can imagine how hard it must be to completely remove film grain from the masters. If it isn't done in pre-production it likely isn't ever going to get done.

You sure man? I know some grain exists, but this one seemed excessive. I think only Miami Vice is worst, and if that isn't on purpose, what a horrible job filming they must have done.