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Yeah I would not recommend COD WaW if you are not 18. The footage in the game is quite shocking. Thx to my family in law who suffered from the Japanese invasion I really had a hard time to play it at first.

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i think deadly creatures is getting pushed back (well according to gamestop anyways) so might as well take it off the list.

I would go for sonic and castlevenia

wii friend code: 3164-3458-9149-5470

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Half of the games on that list seem to be getting mediocre to terrible reviews, so it's hard to recommend anything but Rock Band or GH4. CoD I'd get on PS3, but I guess you don't have both.

From those, although I'd want them all too, I'd pick GH:WT and CoD first.

I can only vouch for GH on that list, its fun, the drums are kinda sketchy at times.

The rest of your list is pretty much my wishlist as well, tho I might rent mushroom men and deadly creatures to see if it warrants a full purchase.

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Hawkeye said:
I'm assuming Wii is your primary console

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed- Looks very nice. GET IT!
2. Castlevania Judgment- unless you are a big fan of the series, pass

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board)- pass until you get balance board, then pick up for cheap

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)- pass or ask your parents to buy it as a present for you

5. Skate It- spinoff, might be ok but not full price. buy used next summer

6. Mushroom Men- looks terrible imo, also its getting bad reviews

7. Deadly Creatures- looks like crap imo

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour- get Guitar Hero, play with your friends and have fun :)

HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most

did you play the game? i got it and it's great!    (it's the 1st castlevania game i got)

i'd suggest Castlevania for sure, and then either Sonic or Call of Duty

Castlevania has great online, graphics,gameplay, a lot to unlock and character customization!


*i can also suggest Tales of Symphonia if you haven't got it, it's awesome game!!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Cougarman said:
Hawkeye said:
I'm assuming Wii is your primary console

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed- Looks very nice. GET IT!
2. Castlevania Judgment- unless you are a big fan of the series, pass

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board)- pass until you get balance board, then pick up for cheap

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)- pass or ask your parents to buy it as a present for you

5. Skate It- spinoff, might be ok but not full price. buy used next summer

6. Mushroom Men- looks terrible imo, also its getting bad reviews

7. Deadly Creatures- looks like crap imo

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour- get Guitar Hero, play with your friends and have fun :)

HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most

can you show me the bad review you are talking about please? it has 83% in gamerankings, hardly terrible




EGM gave it a C-, I believe.

don't take reviews so seriously...

i pay attention to user reviews and i ignore completely official reviews.... : P

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

I'd say Sonic Unleashed and Shaun White.

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Call of Duty for sure. Best third party game I played on the Wii.

Shaun White looks nice too, but since you don't have a balance board I'd skip that one.