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Hawkeye said:
I'm assuming Wii is your primary console

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed- Looks very nice. GET IT!
2. Castlevania Judgment- unless you are a big fan of the series, pass

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board)- pass until you get balance board, then pick up for cheap

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)- pass or ask your parents to buy it as a present for you

5. Skate It- spinoff, might be ok but not full price. buy used next summer

6. Mushroom Men- looks terrible imo, also its getting bad reviews

7. Deadly Creatures- looks like crap imo

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour- get Guitar Hero, play with your friends and have fun :)

HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most

did you play the game? i got it and it's great!    (it's the 1st castlevania game i got)

i'd suggest Castlevania for sure, and then either Sonic or Call of Duty

Castlevania has great online, graphics,gameplay, a lot to unlock and character customization!


*i can also suggest Tales of Symphonia if you haven't got it, it's awesome game!!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^