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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Next gen war: Microsoft could blaze a trail to victory. Lessons by Nintendo

megaman79 said:
Squilliam said:
megaman79 said:
Squilliam, you sir should win the award for topics that really are incredibly pointless.

Are you writing a fantasy novel? A sweeping epic of MS and their magical ability to harness their R&D magic skills to control and overwhelm the masses with their magical powers.

DUDE, what are you talking about? Ok ok, Name me 1, just 1 new technological (or even software) innovation from MS that has been truly revolutionary, popular and a big success.

What's not Included - Vista (pack in and everyones forced at gunpoint to buy the thing, oh and its shit)
- XBOX 360 (its a videogame system, not revolutionary)
- Zune (you know why, don't start)
- software (messenger, email, browsers, etc have all been improved on by competitors)



My criteria specifically mentioned, REVOLUTIONARY, POPULAR and a BIG Success. That is not a big success.

Magic Election 08 board was not enough for the $$$$$ it costs

Isn't it kinda like an Iphone anyway, its not revolutionary.

Except you don't eat off an Iphone.

Revolutionary, Yes. Popular, well its too early to tell as its unreleased at this time.

Oh and by what metric do you measure popularity? If you measure the Wii against Solitaire for windows, it makes the Wii look pretty small.



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I did not know that.

Well thats kinda innovative

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

dude your so crazy u should have a knife. solitaire, WHAT

I mean popularity = jesus/michael jackson/obama

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

It's innovative alrite

They showed an app where you had a surface in a bar environment and the glasses had prisms in their bases. Now there was a point that when the drink got to, that was the best time to offer a refill and the refraction ability of the glass prism was proportional to the amount of drink left..

So when the drink go to the point, the surface would notify someone to offer a refill at that table..

Microsoft doing something useful? Seems so..


So, "Microsoft OMG surely first place!" next gen? And Nintendo will let the throne go easily? Sony will not learn with their mistakes?
I see... and the GameCube will outsell the PS2, yeah. And Solitaire and Minesweeper are the best games ever.






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Back on topic.. Microsoft have a capacity to do some very innovative stuff but such a large company.. It seems that they're communication between divisions is poor which is why I can't use my Windows LIVE ID to login to this and countless other websites..

If they made everything seamless and uniform, the Windows LIVE ID could even be used on XBOX and make everything streamlined.. Little touches like that would go a long way but as I said Microsoft is just too big for their own good..


megaman79 said:
Squilliam, you sir should win the award for topics that really are incredibly pointless.

Are you writing a fantasy novel? A sweeping epic of MS and their magical ability to harness their R&D magic skills to control and overwhelm the masses with their magical powers.

DUDE, what are you talking about? Ok ok, Name me 1, just 1 new technological (or even software) innovation from MS that has been truly revolutionary, popular and a big success.

What's not Included - Vista (pack in and everyones forced at gunpoint to buy the thing, oh and its shit)
- XBOX 360 (its a videogame system, not revolutionary)
- Zune (you know why, don't start)
- software (messenger, email, browsers, etc have all been improved on by competitors)

I will name just one innovation they came up with, AJAX.  They didn't call it that, but they came up with the idea to make asynchronis http requests from Outlook for additional functionality.  And AJAX is a pretty big deal.

Zune software is fantastic and works completely fine for me.  It is also a hell of a lot more secure than iTunes.  If you use iTunes, you are not secure.



SpartanFX said:

actually if sony is smart,next xbox can become like original XBOX.

sony should launch PS4 within 6 months after 720's launch at $399 &$299 price point ,(due to low cost of cell and bluray by then,,,,since we already know they will stick to similar;ar architecture) .Keeping similar architecture also means that Sony already has the tools to develop their games so no more time is gonna be wasted for developing engines,,,they can refine/enhance their existing game engines . due to that reason Sony can pump out software on regular basis at launch,,, not like PS3's launch (for the first 6-9months).

all this is my opinion ,and it depends on how smart sony acts next gen.


 I agree with you. I still think Playstation is the biggest name in the gaming industry. Nintendo will do well next gen as well based on the success this gen. I'd say all three companies break a profit, but if Sony is smarter (than this gen) they can win.

To OP: I have thought the same thing for a while. It seems like Microsft never wanted to win this gen; they just wanted to crush Sony. Making games for DS (to heal beat PSP?) saying buy a Wii along with your 360... (that only takes away software sales from Xbox 360)... I think Microsft wants Sony to be a crippled player next round, and next round Microsoft will have the brand name. They have it in America, are getting it in EU, and are making a little headway in Japan. They are also starting to work on figuring out how to court casuals so they can 1-up Nintendo and snag em all next gen. Then they will crush Nintendo and be the only game in town, then castly overcharge for everything like they do with windows.

I like the assessment, my opinion is...What is Microsoft doing with their First Parties? My assumption was that with the technological differences potentially being negligible, that Sony and Microsoft would concentrate on bringing a stronger 1st party.

Sony's taken a page from Nintendo in recognizing that they need a stronger 1st party to set themselves apart, but Microsoft is closing studios, and almost relaying on 3rd & 2nd parties.

...With Nintendo already establishing itself as the "Console for Everyone" I think MS not having a stronger 1st will be a mistake.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?