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megaman79 said:
Squilliam said:
megaman79 said:
Squilliam, you sir should win the award for topics that really are incredibly pointless.

Are you writing a fantasy novel? A sweeping epic of MS and their magical ability to harness their R&D magic skills to control and overwhelm the masses with their magical powers.

DUDE, what are you talking about? Ok ok, Name me 1, just 1 new technological (or even software) innovation from MS that has been truly revolutionary, popular and a big success.

What's not Included - Vista (pack in and everyones forced at gunpoint to buy the thing, oh and its shit)
- XBOX 360 (its a videogame system, not revolutionary)
- Zune (you know why, don't start)
- software (messenger, email, browsers, etc have all been improved on by competitors)



My criteria specifically mentioned, REVOLUTIONARY, POPULAR and a BIG Success. That is not a big success.

Magic Election 08 board was not enough for the $$$$$ it costs

Isn't it kinda like an Iphone anyway, its not revolutionary.

Except you don't eat off an Iphone.

Revolutionary, Yes. Popular, well its too early to tell as its unreleased at this time.

Oh and by what metric do you measure popularity? If you measure the Wii against Solitaire for windows, it makes the Wii look pretty small.

