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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone else find it disturbing that COD5(PS3) outsold R2 in NA?

CAL4M1TY said:
bbsin said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
They had an entire episode of gametrailers tv dedicated to Resistance 2.

I don't think marketing is the problem.


Store + television ads > Magazine + internet ads.

Besides, it's not like R2 is a bad product by anymeans. If you beat a good product into the minds of the consumer enough, they'll go out and buy it. Sony had an awful commercial for NA's R2 and barely used it.


BTW: I'm not trying to call R2 a failure, nor am I trying to compare the quality of R2 and WaW.

Doesn't Gametrailers TV get aired on Spike in the states?

That'd be like a 30 minute ad!

I'm not surprised by CoD outstripping R2, there's a lot of love for that franchise after Modern Warfare and I most people buying the game would care that it wasn't the same guys as Modern Warfare making the game, all they read is "Call of Duty". It's similar to how Guitar Hero: WT is outselling Rockband 2 (Rockband 1 in Australia) because it's Guitar Hero and Rockband is perceived by a large number of people as being the copycats (or at least I believe so).


Yea it airs at like midnight on Friday Nights!!!  I'm sure way more people would rather just watch it online than on TV.

OT: It just comes down to the brand.


Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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Cod 4 was and is one of the best FPS ever made,  how could you not expect the next in the series to outdue R2?


 I think a lot of people around here put such a stigma on any PS3 game that when it doesn't live up to their own hype it seems (to them) to be such a failure.  I like R2 and think it deserves a decent sales run.  Sony will end up bundling this game and it will do very well over its life time so don't worry.    

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i believe the game lived up to its hype but they didn't have the marketing money to prove it.

that really sucks that World at War sold more than Resistance 2.

Resistance 2 is such a better game. World at War is just another WWII game (better than most of them but still)

heruamon said:
Maybe WaW is a better game. To be honest, I'm quite surprised, as it seemed like every ps3 owner on this website was amped for I can't understand how WaW outsell it by such a large margin, but it goes to show the power of marketing.

But we know it isn't, so that's out of question.

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I think that we are gonna to buy a lot of copies in europe, I can feel the hype here lol! But yeah it's a shame, cause COD5 is mediocre, but it has the name! And it's soooo popular online. BTW don't forget that killing aliens has always been less popular than killing nazi or real people!

I think that World at war maybe has stolen some attention from Resistance 2 and it wont have a good first week like World at war, Sony was stupid for not releasing Resistance 2 at the same time in Europe as in Us.


As a PS3 owner that plays a lot of Warhawk and UTIII online, I have ZERO interest in Resistance 2, and that has a lot to do with the fact I thought Resistance 1 was an overhyped, overrated, generic P.O.S.

Shooters are a dime a dozen, and Resistance doesn't bring anything to the table that screams, 'You NEED to own this!' I'd rather continue playing what I've already got. Between all the choices on the shelves right now, COD:WaW is higher on my wish list than R2. Plus, I've got RE5 and Killzone 2 on my radar.

So, in my mind, R2 is just one of those games that falls through the cracks. I'll wait for it to hit the $30 greatest hits bin. I'm not paying $60 for it, because it's not worth $60 to me.

Plz ppl don't forget that resistance was a launch game! And has a launch game it was just perfect: very nice graphics for that time and very nice online experience!

I agree with Dryden. The lady bought a copy of R2 for me to play. I kind of look at R2 as my filler until KZ2 or RE5. I am actually kind of hooked on the coop. I am tired of the competitive play and the system never awarding experience points. To tell you the truth CODwaw is not on my radar. it could possibly be when R2 runs dry for me.