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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone else find it disturbing that COD5(PS3) outsold R2 in NA?

COD5 360 outsold Gears 2 in UK.

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bbsin said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
They had an entire episode of gametrailers tv dedicated to Resistance 2.

I don't think marketing is the problem.


Store + television ads > Magazine + internet ads.

Besides, it's not like R2 is a bad product by anymeans. If you beat a good product into the minds of the consumer enough, they'll go out and buy it. Sony had an awful commercial for NA's R2 and barely used it.


BTW: I'm not trying to call R2 a failure, nor am I trying to compare the quality of R2 and WaW.

Doesn't Gametrailers TV get aired on Spike in the states?

That'd be like a 30 minute ad!

I'm not surprised by CoD outstripping R2, there's a lot of love for that franchise after Modern Warfare and I most people buying the game would care that it wasn't the same guys as Modern Warfare making the game, all they read is "Call of Duty". It's similar to how Guitar Hero: WT is outselling Rockband 2 (Rockband 1 in Australia) because it's Guitar Hero and Rockband is perceived by a large number of people as being the copycats (or at least I believe so).


COD series has been around much longer than Resistance and COD4 performed better than resistance 1.

Why would it be shocking that COD5 performed better than R2 , doesn't mean that COD5 is the better game.

R2 online rocks.

PSN - hanafuda

I don't think marketing was the problem. Every other commecial break for weeks had a commercial for it on several channels. Maybe people like Call Of Duty more. Has that occured to anyone?

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How about people like me? I knew about Resistance 2 and CoDWaW more than most, and yet I still picked up WaW first. Why? I preferred older CoD games to the first Resistance, that's why.

This goes to show how crappy Sony marketing has been in NA

Or perhaps a Call of Duty game simply has a FAR bigger name than Resistance?
I mean I hate World of War settings as the next one but that's essentially still the technology of a Infinity Wards game and seriously they are by far better FPS developers than Insomniac.

(I also don't like the colorful new Resistance approach. Takes away from the atmosphere a bit. Cartoonish FPS don't sell (for good reasons))

why should i be disturbed?

I own both games

both are great in different way

R2 is great in graphic department(better than COD5),boss fights are epic(leviathan anyone?) and has a very fun online game play.

COD5 has better settings(or at least appeals to a broader demographic) ,,,the game is very good at creating a movie like feel,,,it really makes you feel like part of the is addicting.

both are great and deserve high sales,,,but i can see how COD5 could out sell R2 ,,,manily due to having a broader demographic and let's not forget the franchise name(COD4 sequel,,,nuff said)




Inverse of the Nintendo problem, I suppose.

CoD is a very popular series with great lineage. Not too many series would be able to outsell it. Comparing the sales of CoD and Resistance is not comparing apples to apples.

With that said, I feel the PS3 first party exclusives have under performed this holiday season so far. LBP is close to what I thought it would do, but Resistance 2 is less then half what I thought and Motorstorm is doing aweful.