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Forums - Gaming Discussion - if all the systems were the same price which one would sell the most?

kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?


 i'm gettin a moderator warning for trollin for this wtf??????????????????????????????????

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kunaixhaku said:
kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?


 i'm gettin a moderator warning for trollin for this wtf??????????????????????????????????


There are ways to comment on the subject without being degrading.  You could even reference 360's hardware failures without using the context you did.

Just a guess.

donathos said:
I don't know -- which one would come with Wii Sports?


 OMG THIS! ...sadness it shouldn't take me reading up to 6 PAGES in this thread before somsone mentions the great system seller of all time! lol

...But seriously people buy the Wii for Wii Sports, then they realize it can play other games too.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?


Ebay supporting information already mentioned above.

Just like many of the top games on each system, the HD consoles would blow out the gate and have small legs, while like Mario Kart Wii, the Wii would have a solid launch and then carry that momentum for a few years easily eclipsing what the others have to offer.

Now, to us more gamer centric people, it would probably be the PS3. But, we are the minority to the mass market.

I would still buy Wii first as I really like Nintendo games.

Phrancheyez said:
kunaixhaku said:
kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?


 i'm gettin a moderator warning for trollin for this wtf??????????????????????????????????


There are ways to comment on the subject without being degrading.  You could even reference 360's hardware failures without using the context you did.

Just a guess.

o wow thats sad they are better off puttin cameras in our house and tellin us to wear vgchartz uniforms if they wanna be that strict.


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Well the damage has been done. Of course it looks like the Wii would kill regardless NOW. If all the consoles were the same price out of the gate, even if the Wii maintained it's first place lead, it would be much closer. Like, Wii #1, PS3 #2 and 360 #3. I really think the initial PS3 price tag did that much damage.

Ehm, is this even a question. It's obviously Wii.

Its success has not a lot to do with price but everything with experience. A lot of my friends who played it (and never really played games before) actually thought €250 was cheap.

Even now it's not the cheapest console anymore it's outselling the two other consoles combined.

If the PS3's price were $1.00, and the Wii's price were $1000.00, which one would sell the most?

kunaixhaku said:
Phrancheyez said:
kunaixhaku said:
kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?


 i'm gettin a moderator warning for trollin for this wtf??????????????????????????????????


There are ways to comment on the subject without being degrading.  You could even reference 360's hardware failures without using the context you did.

Just a guess.

o wow thats sad they are better off puttin cameras in our house and tellin us to wear vgchartz uniforms if they wanna be that strict.


If you don't understand why you received a warning (not from me btw) you should seriously consider leaving this site. Sure the 360 had hardware issues, no one will deny that, but the little kids crying etc is over the top.

If that's too strict for you try another forum.


BengaBenga said:
kunaixhaku said:
Phrancheyez said:
kunaixhaku said:
kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?


 i'm gettin a moderator warning for trollin for this wtf??????????????????????????????????


There are ways to comment on the subject without being degrading.  You could even reference 360's hardware failures without using the context you did.

Just a guess.

o wow thats sad they are better off puttin cameras in our house and tellin us to wear vgchartz uniforms if they wanna be that strict.


If you don't understand why you received a warning (not from me btw) you should seriously consider leaving this site. Sure the 360 had hardware issues, no one will deny that, but the little kids crying etc is over the top.

If that's too strict for you try another forum.


who r u da vgchartz pet or something? ppl shud only get banned if they're spamming, swearing or are making fun of people religously or in other form. Not for stupid stuff like that. im prob gna get reported for saying thiss too cuz wut im trolling or i'm saying something to offend you?