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Forums - Sony Discussion - My first Sony system - the PSP

I would have never thought that the first thread I ever create will be in the Sony forum. Not that I don't like Sony, but I never owned a Sony system until today.

To get this out of the way, there are two reasons why I didn't buy a PS3 instead (and no, it's not the price):

- I still don't own a HD TV (my damn TV just refuses to break)

- thanks to the DS I'm more into handheld gaming these days

So I bought the new PSP bundle today (3004 model with 2 gig memory stick)

My first two game purchases were Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Star Ocean: First Departure

I'm not asking for games recommendations as I'v already made my mind up. 

Definite purchases:


Me & My Katamari



Wipeout Pure (or Pulse)

Virtua Tennis: World Tour


Definite import: 

Jeanne D'Arc


Probable purchases:

One of the GTA City Stories (most probably Liberty)

Tales of Eternia and/or Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth

William Pinball Classics

Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

Medieval Resurrection

Untold Legends 2 - The Warriors Code

Dungeon Siege - Throne of Agony

One of the Tomb Raiders

God of War: Chain of Olympus


With the exception of Tales, these are all games from franchises which I've never played before.


So instead of recommendations I have two other questions:


To PS3 owners, are the two following collections recommendable?

PlayStation Network Collection: Power (Flow/Beats/Syphon Filter: Combat Ops)

PlayStation Network Collection: Puzzle (Go! Sudoku/Go! Puzzle/Lemmings)


I noticed that a lot of RPGs were only released in JAP & NA. Can you recommend any other RPGs outside Jeanne D'Arc, which were not released in Europe?

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Wow, I just noticed that I first said I don' want recommendations and then ask for more recommendations in my questions. How clever and well-thought... Sorry for that.

did you guys get Wild Arms: XF?? not too bad of a game... yggdra union remake on the PSP is pretty good.


konnichiwa said:

Wait isn't the PSP region free....   You can get JRPG's from NA if you want to import them :).


from a 2005 article apparently yes... for games.

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You should mod it and get all those games for free.

First Sony system?

Should have gotten a PS2. Cheaper and better games.

Congratulations, although I must say you got my least favorite (still love it) Sony console so far.

Add Crisis Core to your must get list, it is quite easily the best game I have played for PSP. God of War is a must try as well.

CaptainPrefrences said:
You should mod it and get all those games for free.

Umm.. no! only mod it if you wanna run homebrew.

Get Crisis Core, GoW: Chains of Olympus, and MGS: Portable Ops, FF Tactics: War of The Lions, Wild Arms XF, and Yggdra Union. Those are absolute gems. Also get Disgaea for the PSP, forgot its name.


If you only had to get one of those Tales games, get Eternia. IMO Radiant Mythology was a piece of crap.