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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you think sony should do to dominate?

Darth Tigris said:
Nothing. They can't dominate. The Wii is the big selling console this gen and that's just the way it is.

Also they need to be profitable, not dominant. If they are not profitable, there will NEVER be a PS4. Why can't Sony fanboys realize tha--- never mind. You're gamers, not business minded people ...


 I think that some Sonyfans have a hard time letting go of the idea of PS3 suddenly starting to dominate and surge to the top to win this generation. I can understand that as a nintendofan, I had a hard time understanding that N64 lost out to PS1 and just waited and waited. It was "wait until Ocarina of Time comes out then Ninty will be 1", just as "wait until GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, Final Fantasy then PS3 will be 1".

I truly believe that Nintendo has won this and the best Sony could do is to stay profitable just like Darth said.

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Rebrand the PS3 the Super Wii and watch the money start piling up.

Just put me in charge, seriously, I'd set 'em straight.

First of all remove all unnecessary components in that box. People are paying for a PS3, not a power cable, av cable, ethernet, usb cable, controller, manual, box, polystyrene, Sony are essentially are giving them away for free. Only put a HDD in if the customer specifically says "can I have a *insert hd size here*", otherwise they're just asking for a PS3.

Do away with warranty, damned communists. If it fucks up, good, buy another and help the economy. Meanwhile, having no warranty would mean that we could skimp on hardware quality, saving teh dollaz. "What, you're PS3 is missing it's outer case" "No processor you say?", "Yeah, fuck off".

Turn game purchasing into a game of odds itself, only one in five game cases actually come with a manual, one in ten with a disc, and only one in fifteen won't be personally spit in by the cheapest prostitutes money can buy.

The PS3 would be pure profits, and I would be a hero, and I'd be knighted, and my username would become "Sir SamuelRSmith"... and I'd laugh, LAUGH.

Sony, and Microsoft as well, have zero chance of dominating this generation.

The best they can do is to learn from their mistakes, and try again next generation.

Sell each PS3 with a free copy of LittleBig Planet, and a Wii, a DS, and a subscription to Nintendo Power. And cut the price in half.

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come on guys be serious

As for now add B/C to the PS3 also ditch the 160gb with uncharted bundle
Bundle uncharted with the 80g instead or some other game like Rachet or LBP or MotorstormPR

For next year there are rumors of a 50$ price cut for March allready do that also introduce a 10gb ps3 for 249 and this would be the time they should introdue the 160gb ps3 all 3 with B/C so 10gb ps3 for 249 80gb ps3 for 349 and 160gb ps3 for 449 and sell 80 and 160hd's separately for for those who buy 10gb ps3 and want to upgrade later

For holiday 09 if they can afford it drop 50$ on all 3 to make up for 08 having no price cut


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