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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rumor: Splinter Cell: Conviction coming to PS3?

Yeah, it probably will. But I don't care either way, I just want the game to come out! I've literally been waiting years for a new Splinter Cell.


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BMaker11 said:
#1 Don't like Splinter Cell

#2 It's too late now. That game came out forever ago



Another OPM rumor and who knows if this one will actually work out. It may come, but I still believe it will be a timed exclusive. As like Bioshock I believe MS actually has a deal in place.

I don't trust anyone who can't spell installment right.

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They've had tons of big rumors and apparently only a few have been real. Should I trust them? I don't think so. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the new Splinter Cell ended up on the PS3 as well.

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Could care less to be honest.

its already multiplaform because its avaliable for PC, so i don't see why it won't come to ps3. but we should find out soon if this is true, i read the artice, they contacted ubisoft for a comment so we should find out soon

but regardless i wasn't planning on buying it anyways

Million said:
Could care less to be honest.


 Not a poke at you Million, but why do people say they 'could care less', meaning they do care at least a moderate amount? I've always said 'couldn't care less', meaning I don't care at all.

Mistershine said:
Million said:
Could care less to be honest.


 Not a poke at you Million, but why do people say they 'could care less', meaning they do care at least a moderate amount? I've always said 'couldn't care less', meaning I don't care at all.

I don't think it's meant to be taken for it's literal meaning , I think it's more sarcastic.

I hope it does, so more people get to play it.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~