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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - create-a-fighter in next smash bros

I think that a create-ur-player mode should be where the majority of the efforts for the next smash bros should be.There's the inevitable graphics boost & minor gameplay,character,stages & items upgrade but this is what I really want to see.I don't mind an online mode of more than 4 players with stages designed for just that purpose.

Looking @,if all the effort they put into brawl(giving it more modes & options than a family is likely to fully explore until the sequel comes out) is put into a create-ur-fighter for the sequel,what are ur comments?And is any of you actually tired of smash bros?Me?Hell no!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

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I would expect it to be more accessible than Brawl and Melee, more in line with the original, before they add in something as hardcore and impenetrable as a create-a-character.

Maybe we'll see the future form of Miis in there.

I DON'T like that idea. It would take away the Nintendo theme of SSB and also degrade the quality by making balance impossible. It would make it into a generic fighting game.

Also, would such a mode sell more copies (Nintendo exists to make a profit)? Assuming only the Nintendo hardcore would want such a feature, they would buy the game anyway so it wouldn't increase sales.

What they should do in the next game is to completely change the fundamentals of SSB to make it new and interesting. Brawl was the peak of the original SSB formula and could not be meaningfully improved upon; the only way to go forward is change. The most successful and critically acclaimed Nintendo games have been the ones that abandoned previous conventions: Super Mario 64, Metroid Prime, OoT...

Soleron said:
I DON'T like that idea. It would take away the Nintendo theme of SSB and also degrade the quality by making balance impossible. It would make it into a generic fighting game.

Also, would such a mode sell more copies (Nintendo exists to make a profit)? Assuming only the Nintendo hardcore would want such a feature, they would buy the game anyway so it wouldn't increase sales.

What they should do in the next game is to completely change the fundamentals oF SSB to make it new and intersting. Brawl was the peak of the orignal SSB formula and could not be meaningfully improved upon; the only way to go forward is change. The most successful and critically acclaimed Nintendo games have been the ones that abandoned previous conventions: Super Mario 64, Metroid Prime, OoT...

You win the thread. Here, have a Super Mario Cookie:

It won't happen it something that would happen is Create a mii fighter.

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In my personal Opinion, unlikly although if you had a PS3 or 360 well theres all SoulCalibur IV which looks downright beautiful, almost looks like a playable version of certain CGI movies its so good.

Also at its Maximum Res 720p, its unmatched in the fighters department this gen.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
In my personal Opinion, unlikly although if you had a PS3 or 360 well theres all SoulCalibur IV which looks downright beautiful, almost looks like a playable version of certain CGI movies its so good.

Also at its Maximum Res 720p, its unmatched in the fighters department this gen.


Why did you even come in here?

They could make it so you can use your mii and pick moves from any other character. However, then your character would be super strong so they should have a mii vs. mii mode.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Khuutra said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
In my personal Opinion, unlikly although if you had a PS3 or 360 well theres all SoulCalibur IV which looks downright beautiful, almost looks like a playable version of certain CGI movies its so good.

Also at its Maximum Res 720p, its unmatched in the fighters department this gen.


Why did you even come in here?


To state my opinion, clearly though you seem offenced some how, apoligies dude didnt mean any harm, i was just pointing out there is a CaC this gen for a fighting game so if any of you own a 360 or a ps3 besides a wii its just an example of how its semi-down right.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Khuutra said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
In my personal Opinion, unlikly although if you had a PS3 or 360 well theres all SoulCalibur IV which looks downright beautiful, almost looks like a playable version of certain CGI movies its so good.

Also at its Maximum Res 720p, its unmatched in the fighters department this gen.


Why did you even come in here?


To state my opinion, clearly though you seem offenced some how, apoligies dude didnt mean any harm, i was just pointing out there is a CaC this gen for a fighting game so if any of you own a 360 or a ps3 besides a wii its just an example of how its semi-down right.


This is a speculation thread about Smash Bros. Coming in here to sing the praises of another fighting game is, you guessed it, trolling. In another forum I go to, they call it "pooping on a thread". It's very bad. Discourages discourse.

You'll be better off just talking about Smash Bros. in here.