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Forums - Sony Discussion - The present and future of Sony

Fumanchu said:
Yeah exactly it's all relative MS makes up for those losses in 1 and a half quarters...still I didn't know it was that bad.

So Sony's game division turned a profit last quarter? Am I reading that right? It can't be all that bad for them then.

Nope, it didn't. They lost 39.5 billion yen (415 million dollars at today's exchange rates).

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My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Didn't Sony survive every other economic crisis since 1946?

perpride said:

Didn't Sony survive every other economic crisis since 1946?

That's an interesting question, they obviously did. If I have the time I'll check out their performance during those later. However, I doubt it's very easy to find those financial reports online.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

As long as Sony keep making money they'l B fine. I think the world would B worse off without them

FishyJoe said:
Whew, I was getting worried there!

I think Sony can turn it around, but they need better leadership. I have no faith in the current management. They need an ass kicker like Steve Jobs to clean house. Remember how Apple was before Steve returned? Sony right now seems like the old Apple that was dying.


Couldn't agree more on the management part - they exude almost nothing that would give you confidence.

Sony has a good brand, has hit some highs in the past and has a strong portfolio of assets that should merge and interact far better than they do, from consumer electronics, to media to actual content via Sony Studios, Music, etc.

When I take a step back and look at what they could be offering in terms of integrated devices and content vs where they are currently its just shocking.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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First, I really think it is important to note where you get your statistics from NJ5 because even with this dire situation, net profit forecasts for Sony are somewhere in the 2 billion$ vicinity.

looking at your graph, It is easy to see how it looks like margin is down, but in actuality sales are up about 4 times more than they were in 2006. So even if margin were to be reduced by four times they would still be making the same money they did before.

@theprof00: I think all the important stuff I listed has a source. If there's anything which doesn't please tell.

On the other hand, where are you getting your outrageous 4x increase in sales??


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I'd like to know that too as Q2 revenues were slightly down from the previous year. In addition they slashed their net income estimates to $1.5 billion which is still too high since that was calculated before the bulk of the economic meltdown.
I'm not doubting your sources NJ5.
What I'm saying is that every report has one specific purpose, and that putting together only some reports leaves a lot of information out of the loop.

For example: your margin shows a lower income ratio, but you don't have a graph showing exactly what those numbers are.

According to sony global expectations for 2008, profit is down 22% but that doesn't mean they are losing money.

As far as the 4x thing, I was talking about operating income. profit from 06 to 07 was 126 billion yen to 369 billion yen, so almost tripled the income. which follows a trend set by your margin graph. Almost three times the margin from 2006.

However, if you notice, 2008 expectation profit is only down 22% even though margin is down about 80%. Logically profit would be down 80% according to your graph, but that does not follow from the actual numbers.

Sales are up, costs are down.
Also, according to
Japanese yen is dropping slowly against both the US dollar and the Euro. That will be helping in the near future.
According to the graph in the link, the yen got violently strong against the other currencies, and is now lulling a bit because of their economy.

They better stick around i spent 400 on this ps3 lol and some of there exclusives titles aint bad.