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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft and Square Enix in love?

Yeah i remember reading those reports of a 360 MMO exclusive but not a whisper since...maybe an announcement next year.

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Commando said:
Isn't the world gonna end that day reguardless?

by the way I've got to knoe what theat pic is in yur sig.

Is that a hot dog or a shoe?

It's been bugging me for months.
it's really cool.

It's Mega Man. Haha


Oh! wow!

well as far as MMO goes, Huxley is supposed to be an MMOFPS, I want NEED that game! I haven't heard any news on it, but I can't wait!


Oh I see it now, his head is silouheated (I cant speel).  Niiice

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

I think Microsoft has finally caught onto Nintendo's philosophy that buying game studios is not necessarily always a good thing. If you can get high-quality software on your machine without having to eat the innumerable losses that all game studios incur, you're going to be much more successful.

The one disadvantage of that modus operandi is exclusivity of games, but so far, Microsoft has managed to entice third party companies to bring exclusive titles to their system without having to purchase those studios (and all the financial baggage that comes with them).

LEFT 4 DEAD - November 17th

How much is Square Enix worth? I thought they were losing money the last few quarters.

Maybe MS wants to buy them since they have dumped all their studios outside of turn 5 (Forza 2 and future PGR5) and the Flight Simulator studio.

It's just that simple.

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I would really like to believe Microsoft and Square enix are in love, because if they made a baby, it'd be Squaresoft.

(Yep, that's right, I had nothing constructive to say).

I've been noticing this love you speak of. I wouldn't be the smallest bit surprised of 360 gets versus.

They had a wedding in Vegas and didn't tell anybody.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
CAL4M1TY said:
I would really like to believe Microsoft and Square enix are in love, because if they made a baby, it'd be Squaresoft.

(Yep, that's right, I had nothing constructive to say).


Don't be so hard on yourself CAL4M1TY, that was pretty inventive. I give this post a 8.5/10

Is that your fantasy?


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees