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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the 360's failure rate? AKA is RROD still a big problem?

Hi everyone. I am debating on whether to get a 60gig 360 or a PS3 and I need some help. I already had another thread asking about the merits of each system so no need to go through that again here. But there was one question I didn't think was adequately answered. That question is about the failure or return rate of the 360. I have heard contradicting stories. One person/site will say the RROD is still alive and plentiful and another will say its almost completely gone because of the new Jasper(?) chip. So does anyone have any CONCRETE evidence? This will probabley factor big into my decision that is why I am asking. Thanks in advance.

I started making videos for youtube; check them out.

Contra (No Deaths):

Super C (No Deaths):

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Mike Tyson TKO):

Systems owned: Atari 2600, NES(3), Top loader NES, Yobo NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Gamegear, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Wii, PS3 (slim 120 GB), Wii U

You should congratulate me. I destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. I consider myself a hero.

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For new 360s? Practically non-existant. Old 360s still have them(mine just died), but if you get a new one, you probably have a better chance of a Wii hard drive failure then RRoD. i.e. not likely.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

It's not a problem. Microsoft has a free 3 year warranty, which makes it a non-existent problem/issue.

The newer models are doing extremely well. Older models still have there issues as they arise, but all and all, RROD is becoming old news.

Somewhere between 0% and 100%

As in go buy us some coffee.

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If you still uncertain about getting a 360 I would get a PS3 first since the Jasper 360's aren't out on the market yet and probably will not be out for a couple of month.

Don't believe anything you hear about there not being a RROD anymore that is complete bs and i'm not lying, there are tons of videos on youtube of elites and newer 360's getting RROD's. It will never be gone

An Xbox 360 Falcon of today compared to the Falcon which is what everyone knows.

5-10W reduced power consumption. As the process/yields have improved, the voltage required to run each chip has dropped and therefore the local "hot spots" on the GPU and CPU would be reasonably cooler and therefore the heat cycle stress would be a lot lower.

They have tweaked the design of the motherboard to remove 4 of the ram chips on the back side, which were one of the sources of failure and they've done numerous tweaks to the capacitors etc, most likely all in the name of reliability.

The new drives are quieter, probably more reliable and you have the option of installing games to the HDD and therefore eliminate the noise completely and extend the life of the drive.

So pretty much if you're worried about the reliability, just wait till black friday and pick one up with the lot number (Last 5 digits of the serial number) so at least 839(2 digits but doesn't matter)X+ from the serial number which you can view by looking through the slit on the back of the outer box. If you can't don't worry but I figure it pays to have the latest revision.


do yourself a favor and get the PS3 my friend, No problems on there compared to the massive amounts of 360 failures. The sad part is that everyone always says if the 360 breaks than they fix it for free, Yea well they just give you another one that will break soon because it is another old one that broke just like the one you sent in. PS3's are MUCH more reliable. not to mention Dark Knight hits blu ray next month.

Does anyone know when the Jasper models will be officially released?

I started making videos for youtube; check them out.

Contra (No Deaths):

Super C (No Deaths):

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Mike Tyson TKO):

Systems owned: Atari 2600, NES(3), Top loader NES, Yobo NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Gamegear, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Wii, PS3 (slim 120 GB), Wii U

You should congratulate me. I destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. I consider myself a hero.