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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.

afree_account said:
SMcc1887 said:
Selnor, I hate every thread you offense.(eg. In yout graphical comparison thread u said that Far Cry 2 looked better than Heavy Rain) You seem to discredit the PS3 in every one and this one is no different. If the Cell is less powerful than the Xbox parts then why is the Cell used in most of the top 500 supercomputers around the world?

I hate this post... no offense!

Did you even follow the link, or why are you spouting nonsense ?

The cell is used in 3 Systems of the top 100, thats not my definition of most.


I don't want to nitpick but the x360 cpu is based on the power architecture.

In the top 500 there are 60 power systems listed.

I know the chip is not identical, but neither is the cell.

The ps3 cell is not appropiate for supercomputers,

cause it's performance in dp floating point operations is to slow.

So they are using the advanced cell version Powerxcell.


i loled at the article, roadrunner is made of alot of opterons, but every opteroncore got a cell based coprocessor.

I guess even ibm can't do without standard architecture.

CELL can't do everything. Heavy general purpose processing and large inputs come to mind second after double precision what you could need and which are weak points of CELL. Anyway the thing this actually shows is that CELL is made for several other jobs too, which means its not optimized for one job(Ie gaming). On the otherhand you haven't seen X360 or WII processor in any other uses as they has been made for gaming purposes only. Also it doesn't matter which system is most powerful. Just check the current sales. Can you see even HD console on the top of list? No... Funny thing here is that historically in console gens the loser has always been the most powerful console. :)

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Garnett

It goes both ways man, it's not “just PS3 fans” so why are you singling them out. My point is still clear, the exclusives tell the REAL story. There are things that have been done in PS3 exclusives that are not possible on 360, pertaining mostly to physics and animation. None of the 360 exclusives have shown this capability. The 360 specs are incapable of it...period. Does it mean the 360 sucks, no, absolutely not. But PS3 and 360 have different advantages over each other. I just believe, however, that PS3 exclusives show more of an advantage though.

I rarely see 360 is better than PS3 threads,we see so many PS3 owns 360 threads its not even funny,i have yet to see a exclusive that cannot be done on 360,MGS4 can be done,more disc =/ not possible.


Alot of people have yet to see a PS3 game thats better than a 360,even if a PS3 game was slightly better than a 360 game its not worth another 200$,iv played Uncharted the graphics are good but there not godly good,i mean for a PS3 game sure,and on top of that the gameplay is linear so they can put better graphics while sacrificing gameplay.


If PS3 was really 10x more powerful than 360 than we SHOULD see some games like it,its going on the third year of the console life and all we seen were 360 ports,i want non linear fps levels the size of dynasty warriors maps,i want as many enemies on screen and Best graphics.


M.A.G May just be that,lets hope and see :)


Im new to posting here but i have been reading these forums for over a year.I never bothered to create a account until now just out of laughter at how pathetic thsi really all is.

I own a ps3 and a 360 and both offer me different things.I find myself gaming more on my 360 because more friends own them.I play blurays on my ps3 and play lbp once in awhile.

As far as graphics go i havent seen one ps3 game ever look better than gears2 and im in the kz2 beta and i have beaten mgs4 and i own uncharted.

I laugh seeing these games being thrown out there like there graphical masterpieces.Gears 2 looks better than all those games period and if i was gonna throw any game out there for the ps3 for graphical achievement it would be gt5.

Now gt5 may look amazing but i like forza2 better but thats just my opinion.I like forza for the custom car design and auction ability.

uncharted looked cheesy as everything in the environment had this fake plastic look to it like those old vf2 saturn games like the palm trees and rocks etc.

KZ2 Textures are crap the gun models are nothing special but the animations are top notch and the on screen action it good with good effects.

mgs4 dont get me started the damn game wasnt even a game i spent more time watching it than i did playing it.I found myself on the toilet during cutscenes.

Gears 2 has its flaws as well the water was cheesey but had a cool effect but the animation and textures were unmatched.Everyhting was so clear i couldnt find a flaw graphicaly.

Now on a technical standpoint selnor is right in some areas but his info is somewhat outdated.Tho the software updates may change this it doesnt replace whats under the hood.

Right now in 2008 into 2009 a good easy to work with cpu is what produces better games something developers understand is going to give better results.We are almost 5 years into this gen and its a little to late to focus on a chip that not many can even utilize.Now if ps3 had a year start things might have been different.

if you had to get to airport and you were about to choose a car to drive 1 was standard which you didnt know anything about driving and one was automatic which would you hop into to get to your destination on time.

The ps3 is not superior to 360 and 360 has one edge on ps3 easier development and a years head start.

dbot said:
selnor said:
dbot said:

@Selnor - You published this other person's post as your own,  If you are going to troll, you should use your own thoughts.  I don't know if I should respond to you or somehow contact the original poster and tell him my thoughts.


Take a look at the article below.  I don't see the 360's processor on this list.

Game on: NVIDIA, PS3 hardware in Top 500 Supercomputers list

By Jon Stokes | Published: November 18, 2008 - 06:56AM CT

"The really new trend—the one that just recently began and that will only accelerate—is the increasing presence of game-oriented hardware on the list. At the top of the list is IBM's Roadrunner, which first rode the power of the Cell chip to the top spot in June. Roadrunner epitomizes both trends in that it combines a modified version of the processor used in the PlayStation 3 with AMD's Opteron. But the Cell isn't the only coprocessor on the list that has its roots in gaming. "


Point one. You have to be the biggest troll Ive ever seen. How about you try think link in the second word of the OP. I forget, where do I mention I wrote the entire article????? I merely made it less trolly than the original copy.

Your second point. The cell is a strong CPU. You seem to miss the point. When the Cell is inside the PS3 it losses 2 SPE's for game programmers straight away. What the OP is showing is the numbers breakdown of Cell in PS3, not Cell in general. Cell in PS3 is significantly restricted.

How about read and click on links in the OP before trolling.


We may have a different definition of trolling.  I was just pointing out that you completely plagiarized some other person's post.  The problem with creating a thread like this is it really requires some technical understanding which I don't know you have.  Any time you copy and paste a post or original thought you should provide a link to give the originator credit.  Please feel free to provide any evidence of my trolling.

If you read the ars technica article you will see that IBM submitted the cell processor to be included on the list of super computers, they did not submit the 360 chip.  Since IBM created both chips, don't you think they would know which one is more powerful?  If the 360 cpu was more powerful than the cell, why wasn't it submitted as well?

We really don't need any more threads regarding technical comparisons between the PS3 and the 360.  Let the games speak for themselves.


As I said the second word in the OP is a link to the originl article. Where it says read this. the word THIS is blue. Hence a link to the original.


drizzlenuts said:
Im new to posting here but i have been reading these forums for over a year.I never bothered to create a account until now just out of laughter at how pathetic thsi really all is.

I own a ps3 and a 360 and both offer me different things.I find myself gaming more on my 360 because more friends own them.I play blurays on my ps3 and play lbp once in awhile.

As far as graphics go i havent seen one ps3 game ever look better than gears2 and im in the kz2 beta and i have beaten mgs4 and i own uncharted.

I laugh seeing these games being thrown out there like there graphical masterpieces.Gears 2 looks better than all those games period and if i was gonna throw any game out there for the ps3 for graphical achievement it would be gt5.

Now gt5 may look amazing but i like forza2 better but thats just my opinion.I like forza for the custom car design and auction ability.

uncharted looked cheesy as everything in the environment had this fake plastic look to it like those old vf2 saturn games like the palm trees and rocks etc.

KZ2 Textures are crap the gun models are nothing special but the animations are top notch and the on screen action it good with good effects.

mgs4 dont get me started the damn game wasnt even a game i spent more time watching it than i did playing it.I found myself on the toilet during cutscenes.

Gears 2 has its flaws as well the water was cheesey but had a cool effect but the animation and textures were unmatched.Everyhting was so clear i couldnt find a flaw graphicaly.

Now on a technical standpoint selnor is right in some areas but his info is somewhat outdated.Tho the software updates may change this it doesnt replace whats under the hood.

Right now in 2008 into 2009 a good easy to work with cpu is what produces better games something developers understand is going to give better results.We are almost 5 years into this gen and its a little to late to focus on a chip that not many can even utilize.Now if ps3 had a year start things might have been different.

if you had to get to airport and you were about to choose a car to drive 1 was standard which you didnt know anything about driving and one was automatic which would you hop into to get to your destination on time.

The ps3 is not superior to 360 and 360 has one edge on ps3 easier development and a years head start.

What are you doing with a PS3 console? sell it at ebay and be happy. :)



PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

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@Selnor - Here is your original post.  As you can see there is no link to the original article.  Thanks for editing your original post.  It would be nice if you identified that you edited it and what the edit contained.  I will assume your failure to credit the original poster was simply a mistake.@afree_account - The original post was regarding the raw performance capabilities of the 360 cpu vs the PS3 cpu.  I believe the fact that IBM choose to use the PS3 cpu in their design over the 360 cpu speaks for itself.  If the original post was discussing the capabilities of each cpu for gaming, we would be having a different discussion.

Garnett said:
selnor said:


Here's proof that the ps3's so called Cell advantage is very misleading by Sony:

According to IBM’s white pages, the cell processor being used in the ps3 is considerably less powerful than what it has been hyped up to be.
Sony officially revealed the PS3 and for the first time at E3 2005, and claimed that their Cell processor would be capable of 200 GFLOPS.
One may wonder how they got that figure?  IBM's own white pages:

As seen from the link (in Figure 5) the Cell has a theoretical peak of 201 GFLOP’s– running 8 SPE’s at 25.12 GFLOP’s apiece (Table 2). This is where Sony gets their 200 GFLOP figure from.

When physically tested however for theoretical peak performance, only 155.5 GFLOP’s were actually achieved (see Table 4) with a total efficiency rate of 75.9%.
Because of manufacturing yield issues, the PS3 only uses 7 SPE’s with the theoretical peak for the PS3’s Cell processor being reduced to 176 GFLOP’s, each running at 25.12 GFLOP’s. Utilizing the same 75.9% efficiency, it is easily interpolated that the PS3’s Cell CPU will only be capable of 133.6 GFLOP’s.

The Xbox 360 has 3 general-purpose 2-threaded CPU's, which generates a proven 115.2 GFLOP’s which is dramatically easier for developers to utilize. By now it should be pathetically obvious that sony is no where near as far ahead as they try to lead you to think (keep in mind they claimed that the ps2 was more powerful than the original xbox, but were proven wrong publicly, since the xbox was indeed twice as powerful). The ps3 will, once you have taken into account thetotal amount of resources that will be used by their respective operating systems, end up with less CPU power available for graphical and physics processing than the 360.

According to the (unbiased) site above, the PS3 will also constantly reserve 1 SPE** for running its operating system. Now that there is actually one less SPE reserved for gaming purposes, it is definite that the ps3’s cell will only be capable of 114.4 GFLOP’s for the purpose of game processing.

**SPE’s are floating point processors, they are also called DSP’s, and SPU’s. These floating point processors are NOT to be confused with cores, cores have far more prediction and calculation braches than floating point processors. As stated earlier, the 360 has 3 cores, each running at 3.2GHz, with 2 threads each. The cell also runs at 3.2GHz, but is the one and only core that the ps3 has.

Back to subject:
The 360’s OS on the other hand uses only 3% of its CPU time on Cores 1 and 2, while Core 0 is free altogether, and 6.25% (32mb) of its 512mb RAM, this means that the 360 has more processing power available for in-game graphics and physics. Meanwhile, the ps3’s OS…
“In the case of the PS3 this equates to 12.5% of the available Cores on the CPU always reserved, an additional 12.5% sometimes taken by the OS, 12.5% of the available RSX memory and 25% of XDR Cell memory. Balancing these out, one could argue that Sony has removed up to 25% of the available CPU power and 18.75% of RAM for these features as well as others that are not mentioned here or will be added in future updates to the PS3 Operation System.”
Wow, 18.75% (96mb) of the ps3’s 512mb of total RAM, vs. 6.25% (32mb) of the 360’s 512mb RAM, say, that means the ps3 has 416mb RAM left vs. the 360’s leftover 490mb RAM for graphics…
I could be wrong, but isn’t 490mb greater than 416mb???


Now, the GPU (Graphics Processing unit). The 360’s Xenos GPU is also slightly more powerful for running current graphics engines and, in terms of complying with Windows Graphic Foundation 2.0 (compatible with future versions of Direct X, shader models, etc.) is a full-generation ahead of the RSX. "One of the key ideas behind a unified architecture is to move the GPU from a rendering only processor to a complete compute processor. Right now all the GPU does is render 3D and displays it on your screen (yes it does more like 2D, video etc... but for the point of this article we are talking about 3D). With a unified architecture the GPU becomes more. It becomes a processor that can do almost anything that needs code processed. This means the GPU can take on more functions like physics, AI, animation and many other processes that can benefit the gaming experience. DirectX 10 and a unified GPU architecture helps a video card become an all-in-one Swiss army knife of game processing. Those are the ideas at least, how it all works out is up to the game content developers" According to this article, the unified memory of the 360 and the unified shaders, developers have the ability to use the vector processing power of the GPU, which is a big plus as it allows the developer to use the shaders when they need extra processing power.

Sony could be in a lot of trouble considering the ps3 is much more expensive than its superior rival that is using long proven technology, while the ps3 is using technology that still has yet to be proven, and has been giving sony one problem after another, causing game delays.

"However, using Sony's claim <***>, 7 dot products per cycle * 3.2 GHz = 22.4 billion dot products per second for the CPU. That leaves 51 - 22.4 = 28.6 billion dot products per second that are left over for the GPU. That leaves 28.6 billion dot products per second / 550 MHz = 52 GPU ALU ops per clock.

*** Using sony's own claim against it. If sony really didnt make this claim, they most certainly would have taken legal action against MS, that is only fact.

It is important to note that if the RSX ALUs are similar to the GeForce 6800 ALUs then they work on vector4s, while the Xbox 360 GPU ALUs work on vector5s. The total programmable GPU floating point performance for the PS3 would be 52 ALU ops * 4 floats per op *2 (madd) * 550 MHz = 228.8GFLOPS which is less than the Xbox 360's 48 ALU ops * 5 floats per op * 2 (madd) * 500 MHz= 240 GFLOPS."

ps3 GPU stands at 228.8 GFLOPS
360 GPU stands at 240.0 GFLOPS

I have shown actual evidence and provided easy to follow logic.


If a company lies they can be sued for false advertisement,and i dont see MS being sued for that,cause on the site is "Most powerful game console".



Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Wow, after 3 and a half years people still bitch about this...

It is an objective look, although I wouldn't have made this knowing the fanboys would battle endlessly (unless that's why you made it, for teh lulz).

Correct. That was actually good. The PS3's CPU is slightly more powerful than the 360s in theory, but under real-world (game, integer-heavy) applications the 360 wins. The 360's GPU is also more powerful.

Incidentally, the difference in GPUs is because the PS3 corresponds to an G7x desktop Nvidia GPU, while the 360's is an R600 based one. The 360's is one generation better.

I agree with forever cloud, sixaxis and CGI-quality, but would also like to throw in somethin @selnor - you're signature fucking rules.

I love how you call me a fanboy because i feel that from what i have seen between two consoles that i own that the 360 outperforms the ps3 in some aspects.Thats crazy so basically if i had said the ps3 had the edge i would not be labled a fanboy by you and then praised and agreed upon.


Read my original post  gt5 is the best looking game graphicaly on the ps3 altho i think what it brings in terms of gameplay and features sucks compared to forza2.


i gave my ps3 a one up but anything i have seen compared to gears2 is weak.


Whos the fanboy?