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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I'm a bit late but I've finished TP

It rips too much from OoT and has very little originality. Aside from that it is far too easy (though long) which diminishes it's value by a great deal.

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OoT is easier than TP... and about on par with WW to me..... people just seem to think games are getting easier because they are getting better at them... replaying OoT again after TP made it seem really easy.

WW has oodles more charm than the other two Zeldas I have played (Oot and TP) the art in TP to me was missing bits like they rushed it (yet they delayed the game by a year so it shouldn't be) like shit all happens when you step on one of the rocks to warp out of a mini-cave.

In WW there were a few different animations like with the wind swirling around link as he is beamed up in yellow light.... wheras TP just has him standing there while a sound effect plays.

WW style seems to be the marmite of graphics, love it or hate it.... wheras TP style is mostly the cop-out psuedo-realisim with added flashy bits. (very nice flashy bits I will admit)

The lack of Majora's Mask love in this thread is appalling.

Just wanted to say that.

Water temple in OoT >>> anything in TP in terms of difficulty. Also, you didn't have hearts lying around every step you took in OoT, unlike in TP where you're literally tripping over regenerative hearts.

DTG said:
It rips too much from OoT and has very little originality. Aside from that it is far too easy (though long) which diminishes it's value by a great deal.

Just incase anyone reads your post.... DTG is a joke account, so no need to take anything he says seriously, treat him like RolStoppable.


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I honestly see absolutely nothing special with TWW. It's just the same old Zelda we've been seeing(including the story). However this time the area was bigger and less varied, easier, and with an odd(not kiddy or something like that) art style (which I found to be pretty bland while exploring the Great Sea and various repetitive islands).

I still love it, but honestly, nothing more than "good", imo.

twilit said:

I honestly see absolutely nothing special with TWW. It's just the same old Zelda we've been seeing(including the story). However this time the area was bigger and less varied, easier, and with an odd(not kiddy or something like that) art style (which I found to be pretty bland while exploring the Great Sea and various repetitive islands).

I still love it, but honestly, nothing more than "good", imo.


You're joking. Right? Haha, you made a funny?

And it's okay, you don't have to say that it's your opinion. It's pretty easy to tell

Khuutra said:
The lack of Majora's Mask love in this thread is appalling.

Just wanted to say that.

Everyone knows MM is amazing. It goes without saying. They just have to justify their reasoning between the WW and Oot style. (Both are great by the way.)

DTG said:
Water temple in OoT >>> anything in TP in terms of difficulty. Also, you didn't have hearts lying around every step you took in OoT, unlike in TP where you're literally tripping over regenerative hearts.

I thought the water temple was one of the easiest ones.... it was certainly he slowest, but not the most difficult in terms of puzzle solving.

In terms of fighting, the only difficult bit on my first try was fighting Dark Link.... although I did the water temple before the forest and fire temples, which doesn't help.

And apart from my first encounter with Dark Link, I have never died in any of the 3 Zelda games I have played because there are hearts aplenty in all of them... in fact the only other times I came close to dieing was fighting the 3 stages of puppet Ganon in Windwaker, and then the horse-riding part of the final battle in TP (blasted ghost horses) for the rest of all three games I hardly even used a stored fairy.


And regarding the story, OoT and TP do have similar stories, but they both stem from ALttP rather than from each other, it's like when people say "humans are decended from apes" when in fact we are not, it's just that apes and humans are decended from the same species.

Oh and unfortunately I haven't played MM... from what I know about it I think I would love it, and had I played it in it's day I would probably rate it higher than WW (and thus higher than TP and OoT too)... and I am hoping it will be brought to the VC soon.


Try the original Zelda, TWRoO. It holds up amazingly well, and it's much harder than any other game (that I don't hate) in the series.

Make your own map as you go along. It really completes the experience.

Also why havn't you played ALttP, sheesh.