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OoT is easier than TP... and about on par with WW to me..... people just seem to think games are getting easier because they are getting better at them... replaying OoT again after TP made it seem really easy.

WW has oodles more charm than the other two Zeldas I have played (Oot and TP) the art in TP to me was missing bits like they rushed it (yet they delayed the game by a year so it shouldn't be) like shit all happens when you step on one of the rocks to warp out of a mini-cave.

In WW there were a few different animations like with the wind swirling around link as he is beamed up in yellow light.... wheras TP just has him standing there while a sound effect plays.

WW style seems to be the marmite of graphics, love it or hate it.... wheras TP style is mostly the cop-out psuedo-realisim with added flashy bits. (very nice flashy bits I will admit)