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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Can the 360 outsell the Wii this Christmas?

I know there are tons of ps3 vs. X360 threads and they are all great but are getting very boring.  So I have been wondering what it would take for the 360 to compete with the Wii this Christmas.  I think the 360 has a lot of momentum but it will take something special from Microsoft to have the Godlike sales the Wii is known for.

What do you think can help the 360 overtake the Wii?

I saw a few sale adds where you can get an X360 Premium 60GB HDMI + Indy + Kung Fu Panda for nearly the price of a Wii.  Would a continued low cost bundle like this do it?  A bundle like this and 6 months of free live?  Maybe a huge Wii shortage (factory/warehouse burns down?)

Your thoughts and feedback are welcome!

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




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Yes it can, but it won't.

Take a look at my photos on flickr

They can try everything...but right now the Wiis unstoppable....

The 360 will sell very well this holiday, but Nintendos taking the number 1 spot, well they've always had it anyways...

No chance, they'd be lucky to maintain an average of 60% of the Wii's sales in the holiday season imo.

Not possible.

MS cannot increase production fast enough to sell Wii-like numbers this holiday. Even if demand were there, supply would not be able to keep up.

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It would be nice to see someone other than nintendo on top of sales for a few weeks.  If it happend for a month or longer Nintendo may rethink a price drop.  Which would be great for all gamers.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




It doesn't have a chance of outselling the Wii hardware.

However, it does have a chance of outselling the Wii when it comes to software. Which is amazing, considering the Wii's much larger install base.

Author of science fiction and other genres, I write under the pen name Desmond Shepherd. The second season of my series The Permanent Man premieres on November 11, 2014. Pre-order the season premiere The Walls Have Ears on Amazon today!

I would love to see them out sell the wii even for just ine week

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Look at the current sales data. Even Xbox+PS3 combined don't reach wii sales.

There's no stopping the Wii.

Certain bundles could probably help Microsoft but I don't think it would be drastic enough to even put it on pace with the Wii.

People want the Wii and people will buy the Wii.