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Forums - Sony Discussion - Any word on splitscreen/co-op for Killzone 2?

Aldro said:
I dont give a damn about bots they suck anyway XD i just want to play online with my friend on same console split or perhaps a singleplayer. :(( Plz gorrillaaaaaaazZZZZ!

Btw does anyone really know if REsistance 2 co-op SP is actually over 100 hours as they said O_O!?

R2 does not have SP co-op, it has a co-op mode which is 2-8 players online, you can play it offline with 2 players, but thats just stupid.  And it might be 100 hours to get the 3 classes maxed with all the gray tech needed to buy all the items if you pick bad maps to get XP or gray tech.


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But.. BUT! They told me you get CO-Op to see the story from another view!



Oh well i loved the MP Co-Op with dah big m0nstas! To bad i thought u could get another view on SP. I dont want to get BAM in the... thing where the brain is XD.

The truth Co-Op most likely will come, but it will be in an update. At this point we should all keep our mouths and butts button till we get some firm answer from Guerilla Games!

Quote: A recent hands on preview posted by PlayStation World UK editor Ian Dean has hinted that Guerilla Games’ upcoming shooter Killzone 2 will feature four-player campaign co-op.

The company has already confirmed that a post-launch patch will add co-op play to Killzone 2, though it was unclear as to how many players would be supported and whether it would be offline or online only.

"And then there’s the four-player co-op campaign to look forward to. Now that really could be something special," wrote Dean.

There are rumours that KZ 2 is pretty much done, especially with how polished the MP looks, so maybe they can get it done before launch?

It is done. There are editors at that have final copies, but are not allound to talk about it till Dec. Also, didn't they say that it will be patched after launch with co-op?

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

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Just about every marque FPS game has some sort of co-op mode now, it would be a shame if KZ2 left it out.